For troubleshooting this sort of thing I use MQTTX; especially from the 
client perspective to ensure router / FW connections are working as 

It may be helpful.
On Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 5:56:13 PM UTC-5 vince wrote:

> I might add that if you set debug=1 in weewx.conf it will definitely tell 
> you if the MQTT publishing part is unable to publish successfully.
> On Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 3:55:13 PM UTC-7 vince wrote:
>> You need (1) to be consistent among MQTT publish, Belchertown, and 
>> mosquitto re: whether you have username/password enabled or not and (2) if 
>> enabled you have to not typo the username/password in one of the places.   
>> Other possibility is that you're going back and forth editing things and 
>> forgot to reset either weewx or mosquitto after making a change.  It 
>> happens.
>> On Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 3:00:44 PM UTC-7 Kevin Crivelli wrote:
>>> as per my last post I can use that command to see topic weather data 
>>> coming in but still for some reason weewx/belchertown can connect but no 
>>> data is transmitted. I gotta be missing one little thing. Messed around 
>>> again this morning and still nothing. Really don't want to throw in the 
>>> towel so if anyone has anymore ideas that would be awesome. 
>>> On Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 3:14:20 AM UTC-4 Kevin Crivelli wrote:
>>>> ok so I seem to be getting weather when using that test from earlier
>>>> [image: getting weather.jpg]
>>>> On Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 3:09:07 AM UTC-4 Kevin Crivelli wrote:
>>>>> I was able to get the test message no problem so it seems mosquitto is 
>>>>> set up correctly yet I am still unable to get anything more than 
>>>>> Connected. 
>>>>> Waiting for data using my local url and remotely I get Connecting to 
>>>>> weather station real time 
>>>>> still where I left off.
>>>>> On Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 4:40:59 PM UTC-4 vince wrote:
>>>>>> doh - I of course got those sub/pub commands backward.  You use the 
>>>>>> -m message for publishing.  Sorry for the confusion.
>>>>>>    - subscribe in one window => mosquitto_sub -h x.x.x.x -t 
>>>>>>    junk/testing -u mosquittoUserHere -P mosquittoPassHere
>>>>>>    - publish a test in another  => mosquitto_pub -h x.x.x.x -t 
>>>>>>    junk/testing -u mosquittoUserHere -P mosquittoPassHere -m testing123
>>>>>> I added password protection to my pi setup and it works fine there 
>>>>>> and after restarting weewx (after editing weewx.conf).   Updated the 
>>>>>> github 
>>>>>> page to show the edits I made.
>>>>>> I did need to create the MQTT password file so the specified 
>>>>>> user/pass is there.  Remember it's not an account password.  It's just a 
>>>>>> user/pass combination for connecting to your MQTT server.
>>>>>> On Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 1:23:20 PM UTC-7 vince wrote:
>>>>>>> It's not hanging.  It is not hearing anything.  Hit control-C to 
>>>>>>> stop listening with mosquitto_sub.
>>>>>>> On mine I see the loop messages every couple seconds basically 
>>>>>>> immediately.  I hit control-C after the first loop packet was displayed.
>>>>>>> $ mosquitto_sub -d -t simulator/# -h
>>>>>>> Client null sending CONNECT
>>>>>>> Client null received CONNACK (0)
>>>>>>> Client null sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: simulator/#, QoS: 0, 
>>>>>>> Options: 0x00)
>>>>>>> Client null received SUBACK
>>>>>>> Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
>>>>>>> Client null received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'simulator/loop', ... 
>>>>>>> (1255 bytes))
>>>>>>> {"dateTime": "1683403745.0", "usUnits": "1.0", "outTemp_F": 
>>>>>>> "30.714330964267866", "inTemp_F": "64.4867113429638", "barometer_inHg": 
>>>>>>> "31.022674842890833", "pressure_inHg": "31.022674842890833", 
>>>>>>> "windSpeed_mph": "0.3866257855458439", "windDir": "346.0814717203496", 
>>>>>>> "windGust_mph": "0.46395094265501235", "windGustDir": 
>>>>>>> "346.0814717203496", 
>>>>>>> "outHumidity": "77.68024528672494", "inHumidity": "27.026577314072398", 
>>>>>>> "radiation_Wpm2": "911.9394844177033", "UV": "12.767152781847846", 
>>>>>>> "rain_in": "0.0", "txBatteryStatus": "1.0", "windBatteryStatus": "0.0", 
>>>>>>> "rainBatteryStatus": "0.0", "outTempBatteryStatus": "1.0", 
>>>>>>> "inTempBatteryStatus": "0.0", "consBatteryVoltage_volt": "12.0", 
>>>>>>> "heatingVoltage_volt": "12.876232859402455", "supplyVoltage_volt": 
>>>>>>> "12.0", 
>>>>>>> "referenceVoltage_volt": "11.725352060455753", "rxCheckPercent": 
>>>>>>> "58.589515129677444", "altimeter_inHg": "31.812916691917174", 
>>>>>>> "appTemp_F": 
>>>>>>> "25.97065488238462", "cloudbase_foot": "2093.2738825982638", 
>>>>>>> "dewpoint_F": 
>>>>>>> "24.583925880835505", "heatindex_F": "30.714330964267866", "humidex_F": 
>>>>>>> "30.714330964267866", "inDewpoint_F": "29.791543533239455", 
>>>>>>> "maxSolarRad_Wpm2": "0.0", "rainRate_inch_per_hour": "0.0", 
>>>>>>> "windchill_F": 
>>>>>>> "30.714330964267866", "hourRain_in": "0.0", "rain24_in": "0.0", 
>>>>>>> "dayRain_in": "0.0"}
>>>>>>> Client null received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'simulator/loop', ... 
>>>>>>> (1236 bytes))
>>>>>>> ^CClient null sending DISCONNECT
>>>>>>> Test your mosquitto server...
>>>>>>>    - subscribe in one window => mosquitto_sub -h x.x.x.x -t 
>>>>>>>    junk/testing -u mosquittoUserHere -P mosquittoPassHere -m testing123
>>>>>>>    - publish a test in another  => mosquitto_pub -h x.x.x.x -t 
>>>>>>>    junk/testing -u mosquittoUserHere -P mosquittoPassHere
>>>>>>> If that doesn't work, your mosquitto setup is messed up.
>>>>>>> It ain't rocket science unless you are running a funky os variant or 
>>>>>>> you have enabled packet filters blocking incoming traffic to the MQTT 
>>>>>>> or 
>>>>>>> Websockets ports.

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