Ok, I've read the customization guide on adding a new observation, but it's 
not clear to me for my situation if I need to do it that way or if in my 
scenario it's much simpler.  My sensor front end is a Particle P1 
(basically a wifi enabled arduino) and continuously monitors the sensors. 
 Every 2 minutes it dumps it's data to my Phant server.  The front end does 
quite a bit of calculations like dew point/avg wind speed/dir over the last 
2 minutes/highest gust in the last 10 minutes.....etc.  Then I have a cron 
job on my raspberry pi (my weewx device) to do a jsonp query every 2 min to 
build a list pair that fileparse likes.  Then fileparse polls the file and 
weewx archives the data every 2 minutes.  I also use the timestamp that is 
generated from the phant server to have a more accurate time of when the 
readings were taken, or at least their average over 2 minutes.  

So that's the setup of my system.  The front end also sends the voltage and 
soc (state of charge) of the 8000 mAh battery that is in the unit which is 
also charged by a solar panel with an Adafruit solar charger.  What I would 
like to do it take the voltage and soc that I already dump into the 
fileparse file that it reads from and label map it into weewx.  My 
confusion is do I need to write a whole new service for this, or will the 
existing fileparse extension structure handle that and all I need to do it 
build the new values into the database?  My eventual goal is to have a nice 
steelseries gauge that displays the voltage and soc on a single dial, or 
maybe just the soc, depends on how frustrated I get trying to build that 
new gauge...lol.

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