I love the Belchertown skin, but I am uncomfortable with the very long 
processing time to create the highcharts.  I am pondering the ability to 
run the JSON charts for day charts, and to switch to the weewx standard 
charts for week, month, and year.  So what I am doing now is trying to 
recreate the JSON chart look with the imagegenerator.

My current status is attached.  The top is the imagegenerator version and 
the bottom is the highcharts / JSON version.  The biggest difference I am 
ignoring, where highcharts uses "today" versus imagegenerator using "last 
24 hours".  That won't be important for weekly+ periods.

The first hurdle was fonts.  The highcharts use Lucida, which is 
proprietary to Macs.  Otherwise, the skin uses Lato, which is opensource 
and available.  Installing that font and using it in the charts resolves 
that issue completely (at least on my screen!).  I might continue to seek 
an on-demand online font (Google font?) that allows everyone to see the 
same thing; I doubt visitors will want to install a font,

But now I am puzzled as to how to solve the other obvious issues:

   - How do I get rid of the vertical grid lines?
   - How do I move the labels from the top to the bottom; I am supposing 
   sample lines are impossible.
   - I am being driven nuts by the colors.  They should be blue, black, 
   green, orange from left to right.  No matter what I do, they are shown 
   orange, black, green, and blue.

Here is what I tried first (excerpted):


    # Default colors for the plot lines. These can be overridden for
    # individual lines using option 'color'
    chart_line_colors = 0x7cb5ec, 0x434348, 0x90ed7d, 0xf7a35c, 0x8085e9, 
0xf15c80, 0xe4d354, 0x2b908f, 0xf45b5b, 0x91e8e1

    # Default fill colors for bar charts. These can be overridden for
    # individual bar plots using option 'fill_color'
    chart_fill_colors = 0x7cb5ec, 0x434348, 0x90ed7d, 0xf7a35c, 0x8085e9, 
0xf15c80, 0xe4d354, 0x2b908f, 0xf45b5b, 0x91e8e1

However, it does not use the colors in that order.  Is it alphabetical?

No matter, I tried,

               color = 0x7cb5ec
               color = 0x434348
               color = 0x90ed7d
               color = 0xf7a35c
               color = 0x7cb5ec
               color = 0x434348

The comments and the guide suggests using color = should overwrite whatever 
is the default but they are not using the specified colors.  You can see it 
most easily on the wind graph.

I am generally happy so far, in that generating the 22 charts using 
imagegenerator takes .53 seconds compared to 134 seconds using the 
highcharts.  I just would like to tweak the look and I am confounded by the 

BTW, the url is https://hathaway.house/weewx/belchertown/


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