Fixed!  "Temporal chaos' indeed.  I cleared the station memory, and for 
good measure removed the database file and /var/www/html/weewx files again 
and everything started working.  Wunderground and CWOP are now updating as 
expected.  Thanks for the pointer.


On Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 4:49:21 PM UTC-7, gjr80 wrote:
> Quite possible the issue is related, Davis stations tend to be slightly 
> more susceptible to temporal chaos than some other stations. Your RPi and 
> console might have the correct time but it is quite possible the change in 
> times has caused issues for your logger. It’s possible things will come 
> good but since you’ve restarted with a new database and checked the time on 
> the RPi/console you might as well go the trifecta and clear the loggers 
> memory as well. Refer to the wiki article ‘Troubleshooting Davis stations’ (
> If you read through the ‘Corrupt station memory’ section you will see 
> mention of clearing the station memory with the WeeWX utility wee_device. 
> Try that, note you will need to stop WeeWX first. 
> Gary 

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