Thx for providing WeeWx - really impressed by the ease of installation and 
configuration options. Running for two weeks now ;-)

I have 5 external sensors (temp, humidity, battery status) connected to my 
TE923. WeeWx is fetching the data correctly 
$ sudo wee_device --current
Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
Using TE923 driver version 0.41.1 (weewx.drivers.te923)
Querying the station for current weather data...
        dateTime: 1609093626
        forecast: 0
             h_1: 64
       h_1_state: ok
             h_2: 38
       h_2_state: ok
             h_3: 41
       h_3_state: ok
             h_4: 47
       h_4_state: ok
             h_5: 37
       h_5_state: ok
            h_in: 36
      h_in_state: ok
            rain: 3087
      rain_state: ok
             slp: 948.625
       slp_state: ok
           storm: 0
             t_1: 2.7
       t_1_state: ok
             t_2: 22.1
       t_2_state: ok
             t_3: 20.8
       t_3_state: ok
             t_4: 21.6
       t_4_state: ok
             t_5: 20.8
       t_5_state: ok
            t_in: 22.85
      t_in_state: ok
              uv: None
        uv_state: no_link
       windchill: 1.9
 windchill_state: ok
         winddir: 2
   winddir_state: ok
        windgust: 0.0
  windgust_state: ok
       windspeed: 0.0
 windspeed_state: ok

but the last channel 5 is not shown in the temperature graphs.  The mapping 
is a little bit confusing but this graph should show 4 channels but is 
providing only 3 channels. 
[image: daytemp.png]

Therefore, I added a new line for the missing channel "extraTemp4" in the 
and change the names to my rooms:

        # The labels to be used for each observation type

            # Set to hemisphere abbreviations suitable for your location:
            hemispheres = N, S, E, W

            # Formats to be used for latitude whole degrees, longitude whole
            # degrees, and minutes:
            latlon_formats = %02d, %03d, %05.2f

            # Generic labels, keyed by an observation type.
                barometer = Barometer
                windvec = Wind Vector
                extraTemp1 = Living Room
                extraTemp2 = Kitchen
                extraTemp3 = Bath
                extraTemp4 = Kids Room

But the report still contains only 3 channels. 
[image: daytemp (1).png]

What do I have to do now?

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