I need assistance to figure out where to look for a problem with 
"ignore_zero_wind". (and interceptor)

I have five Raspberry Pi's at three physical locations: zero, 3B+ and 4. 
All are running 05/2020 OS
Four are running Weewx 4.1.1, one is 3.9.2  All have the same issue.
At my remote locations Weewx runs in parallel with Meteobridge, both 
receiving the same data through a GW1000, from  WS-2902 arrays.
Meteobridge never shows 0 for wind_dir. I would prefer consistancy between 
the two systems.
My bad windir data comes out in three ways:
 "0" from my output extensions, cwxn and weewx2aprx
 "NaN" from W34 charts
 "None" from a custom Seasons report file
Three different output methods allowed me to conclude it wasn't the output. 
I added "ignore_zero_wind" with no effect. Nothing unusual in the logs.
I studied previous posts with the same issue and saw suggestions to run 
weewxd. When I did, in the loop packets I saw "none" as wind_dir when wind 
speed was 0
My suspicion is that if the loop packet has "none" it isn't weewx, more 
likely the interceptor. Is that correct?

So I'm trying to run weewx-interceptor directly, which in my case was given 
as PYTHONPATH=bin python bin/user/interceptor.py --device=fineoffset-bridge 
--mode=listen --port=8007
I used /usr/share/weewx/user/interceptor.py and got an error in line 302, 
"Import Error: no module named weewx.drivers". So I tried interceptor.py 
--help, as suggested in github, and got the same error.

Since I'm so all over the place I haven't yet attached logs or configs yet. 
I need direction.

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