Thank's Gary.
I was not using correct format !

El viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017, 11:30:18 (UTC+1), gjr80 escribió:
> Hi,
> Are you specifying your ImageGenerator colours in the correct format? The 
> available formats are listed in the comments at the start of the 
> [ImageGenerator] stanza in the Standard skin.conf (extract below):
>     # Colors can be specified any of three ways:
>     #   1. Notation 0xBBGGRR;
>     #   2. Notation #RRGGBB; or
>     #   3. Using an English name, such as 'yellow', or 'blue'.
>     # So, 0xff0000, #0000ff, or 'blue' would all specify a pure blue color.
> Gary

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