One comment about the old and new database schema : I didn't change
anything by myself in the [DataBinding] section of weewx.conf after the
upgrade to V4.0, so I suspect that the manager = weewx.manager.
DaySummaryManager line was automatically modified during the upgrade
My guess is that your system has a mix of old and new ways of specifying a
database schema.
The old way:
# The manager handles aggregation of data for historical summaries
manager = weewx.manager.WXDaySummaryManager
schema = sc
Interestingly, I had the same kind of errors yesterday concerning wind tags
such as *day.wind.count.raw* , *month.wind.count.raw*, *day.wind.max. *
This happened after I deleted all daily mysql tables and let weewx rebuild
them at startup.
I am using weewx V4.1.1
Finally, I restored a full back
I made the suggested changes with a few small corrections but I got this
I don't know enough about how cheetahgenerator works to fix this problem.
I have everything up to date. I'm using a Weatherflow Tempest for the
data. Is this a naming problem?
Any help?
Jun 03 22:40:26 pi