hello everybody,
My camera IP is is operational on my website. I installed a Freenas
server as an intermediary between my capture Camera IP and
my weather station. it works well. Now I go to move the Camera IP to put
it to a better location.
thank you to everyone who helped me.
1) A photo from PWS is one thing. Intent of a WX webcam is another.
2) Always check internal vs external net access.
3) I'm glad (and surprised) that you reached my WeeWX website, as it is not
"publicized" and still in "Beta". The temporary address:
4) WX Logo is like a C
hello Xant;
just some information for understanding.
1- The photo with the cars and garage, it is to visualize the meteo
station (on the mat). So this is just a photo like PAT did on his
website Meteo.
2 - the picture of the IP Camera would normally be next, this is the
mistake you see; me loc
Looks great, thanks for the follow up!
On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 8:58 AM salinois wrote:
> hello Robert and Xant
> thanks for your help all twice
> So, after more research on Website Samsung, I upgraded the firmware of
> my Camera IP.
> version 2.10 to 4.00 ( my version was very old );
> A
ok Xant
this not the good image that you see, pb config url
to be continue
Le 22/11/2019 à 21:40, Xant a écrit :
Is this an static Image, other than a direct snapshot from camera?
(image doesnt seems to update)
Anyhow, in "skin.conf", just replace radar_html to point to c
hi Xant
ok, I will watch it tomorrow for the size.
Le 22/11/2019 à 21:51, Xant a écrit :
Also to note that the image/map that you posted as PWS Logo in your
WeeWX is extremely big, and not suitable to such (it takes a while to
load). Thus, consider resizing.
Also to note that the image/map that you posted as PWS Logo in your WeeWX
is extremely big, and not suitable to such (it takes a while to load).
Thus, consider resizing.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscr
Is this an static Image, other than a direct snapshot from camera? (image
doesnt seems to update)
Anyhow, in "skin.conf", just replace radar_html to point to camera/image:
radar_html = "http://appnea.net:8000/stream.mjpg"; width="480"
To something like:
hello Robert and Xant
thanks for your help all twice
So, after more research on Website Samsung, I upgraded the firmware of
my Camera IP.
version 2.10 to 4.00 ( my version was very old );
After I retested with Firefox and IE : no good; with Chrome : GOOD ! why
I modified skin.conf: no g
Sorry. Just trying to help. I'll stick to lurking from now on.
On Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 11:07:29 PM UTC-5, Xant wrote:
> Patrick, Robert et all
> In parallel direct emails, I already have provided all the possible
> "combinations" as to connect Samsung camera. As in my preliminafy
hi Armando
thank you for your help;
I go to call now the support of Samsung.
I come ba&ck to you after.
Le 22/11/2019 à 05:07, Xant a écrit :
Patrick, Robert et all
In parallel direct emails, I already have provided all the possible
"combinations" as to connect Samsung camera. As i
Patrick, Robert et all
In parallel direct emails, I already have provided all the possible
"combinations" as to connect Samsung camera. As in my preliminafy post,
there are a large range of cameras and capablities nowadays, which surpass
the main field of this Forum.
I do acknoedge the hards
Patrick -
Try one of these URLs
For MJPEG - http://IPADDRESS/cgi-bin/video.cgi?msubmenu=mjpg
For JPG - http://IPADDRESS/cgi-bin/video.cgi?msubmenu=jpg
and see if they work for you with the Samsung.
On Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 1:16:56 PM UTC-5, Patrick Tranchant
> hello
> th
thanks for your response
My Camera IP is a Samsung SND-6084, but I tried more configurations, and I
couldn't the good solution, I am bad.
On Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 8:12:24 PM UTC+2, Patrick Tranchant wrote:
> hello PAT
> I am searching to connect a camera IP on my skin,
As I mentioned in previous posting, there are a great variety of camera
brands and models with different settings and capabilities (which is beyond
this Forum). Having a "click" button might refers to a specific client
camera software.
1) Live Stream IP Camera
Usually a Live Stream IP Camera is
hello Xant
I found my url to access my Camera IP but when I test it ,it asks me to
click "OK", how I can do for the click "OK" is done automatically.
On Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 8:12:24 PM UTC+2, Patrick Tranchant wrote:
> hello PAT
> I am searching to connect a came
thank you Xant,
I know already the URL address of my camera IP to access and to see the
video; I go to follow your advice.
On Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 8:12:24 PM UTC+2, Patrick Tranchant wrote:
> hello PAT
> I am searching to connect a camera IP on my skin, I know someb
First to note that the variety of IP camera brand and models are much
extensive. Most cameras allow direct access to IP camera through a URL into
web-browser, and you should must verify this URL address and capability. In
case of not possible, or difficulties, may also upload to a photo hosti
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