Ran the status command got the following:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx status
● weewx.service - LSB: weewx weather system
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/weewx; generated)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-03-15 08:38:43 EDT; 26min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 2322 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/weewx start (code=exited, 
    Tasks: 5 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 23.8M
   CGroup: /system.slice/weewx.service
           ├─2337 python /usr/bin/weewxd --daemon --pidfile=/var/run/weewx.pid 
           └─2399 rtl_433 -M utc -F json

Mar 15 09:04:32 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[u'{"time" : 
"2020-03-15 13:04:29", "model" : "Acurite-Atlas", "id" : 579, "channel" …Mar 15 
09:04:36 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[u'{"time" : 
"2020-03-15 13:04:33", "model" : "Acurite Lightning 6045M", "id" : 241, …Mar 15 
09:04:39 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[]
Mar 15 09:04:44 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[u'{"time" : 
"2020-03-15 13:04:39", "model" : "Acurite-Atlas", "id" : 579, "channel" …Mar 15 
09:04:47 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[]
Mar 15 09:04:53 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[u'{"time" : 
"2020-03-15 13:04:49", "model" : "Acurite Lightning 6045M", "id" : 241, …Mar 15 
09:04:56 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[]
Mar 15 09:05:00 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[u'{"time" : 
"2020-03-15 13:04:57", "model" : "Acurite Lightning 6045M", "id" : 241, …Mar 15 
09:05:03 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[u'{"time" : 
"2020-03-15 13:05:00", "model" : "Acurite-Atlas", "id" : 579, "channel" …Mar 15 
09:05:08 raspberrypi weewx[2337]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[u'{"time" : 
"2020-03-15 13:05:05", "model" : "Acurite Lightning 6045M", "id" : 241, …Hint: 
Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ date
Sun 15 Mar 2020 09:05:17 AM EDT

Tail of syslog shows no errors. What is syntax to add the -l to the status 
command? How do I troubleshoot this?

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