suppose you look at a given weekly plot of some observation e.g. outside 
suppose further that you can scroll left or right to see earlier or later 
weekly plots - much easier to see trends going over months e.g. how the 
temperature is varying over several months.
(in my case looking at rainfall and river level together are of most interest)

i have implemented this on my site, by
 * creating an archive of all weekly plots of all observations that my weather 
stations have measured
 * implementing infinite load-on-demand scrolling left-right through all the 
weekly plots of a given observation
 * scrollable strips for every observation the station supports
 * allow pick a start date so it starts centred on some historical time rather 
than scrolling through years of plots (my weewx ones start in 2007 with just a 

i am still refining it, but it might give people some ideas.
see and reveal ‘Week Strips’.

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