Asterisk's iLBC payload size (ms) is 30, but wengo's is 20. It's a problem.
I changed the codes about ilbc in phcodec.c.

static void *ph_ilbc_dec_init(void *dummy)
   iLBC_Dec_Inst_t *ctx;

   ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx));

   initDecode(ctx, 30, 1); // 20 originally

   return ctx;

static void *ph_ilbc_enc_init(void *dummy)
   iLBC_Enc_Inst_t *ctx;

   ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx));

   initEncode(ctx, 30); // 20 originally

   return ctx;


After compiled, calls between pc and pc will cause the crash of wengo.
How shall I do it?
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