Dear. westnilenet members. i am requested by interfaith commitee to  release 
this documment  to the members. 
National Faith Leaders Offer Interfaith Prayer in Effort to Create Good Jobs, 
Green Jobs for Nation’s Poor
Source: ISNA

(Washington, DC – October 13, 2009) Four national faith leaders representing 
Jews, Christians and Muslims have united to offer a new interfaith prayer 
calling for the creation of new, sustainable and green job opportunities for 
the poor.
Written by Rabbi Steve Gutow, president of the Jewish Council for Public 
Affairs (JCPA); Rev. Larry Snyder, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA 
(CCUSA); Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, general secretary of the National Council 
of Churches in Christ in the USA; and Dr. Sayyid Syeed, national director for 
the Islamic Society of North America’s Office for Interfaith and Community 
Alliances, the new prayer will be offered at public events across the country 
during the Fighting Poverty with Faith: Good Jobs, Green Jobs mobilization 
effort, including a special reading by the prayer’s authors at the Fighting 
Poverty with Faith’s concluding event in Washington on October 21.
Held this year between October 14 and 21, the Fighting Poverty with Faith 
mobilization will organize members from 34 national faith organizations at 
public events across the country to encourage government officials to fight 
poverty by ensuring equal opportunities for training and employment for the 
nation’s most vulnerable while working to usher in a new green economy. 
The religious leaders’ prayer reads:
Merciful and compassionate God, Divine Architect, Your people and your planet 
call to you, for both are suffering. 
>So many of your children cry out for shelter, food, and meaningful work. Make 
>us partners, we pray, in your work of caring for all in need.  
>So much of your Creation groans from the effects of our pollution. Make us 
>partners, we pray, in your work of healing the earth. Help us to create jobs 
>that both honor the needs of your planet as well as those holy souls who have 
>no work. 
>Please give to those who lead a vision of the day when every person, created 
>in your sacred image, has employment with a living wage. Give to us gathered 
>here the courage to speak for those without voice, the strength to act on our 
>convictions, the discernment to see the world as you want it to be, and the 
>wisdom to respond together as persons of different faiths. In these moments 
>with one another, may we feel your presence and together praise your holy 
Led by the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and Catholic Charities USA, 
national organizations endorsing the Fighting Poverty with Faith mobilization 
effort include, the Alliance to End Hunger; American Baptist Churches USA; 
Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies; BBYO, Inc.; Bread for the 
World; Center of Concern; The Episcopal Church; Evangelical Lutheran Church in 
America; Evangelicals for Social Action; Hindu American Foundation; Hindu 
American Seva Charities; International Association of Jewish Vocational 
Services; Islamic Relief; Islamic Society of North America; Jewish Labor 
Committee; Jewish Reconstructionist Federation; Jewish Women International; 
Lutheran Services in America; MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger; The National 
Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd; National Council of 
Churches USA; National Council of Jewish Women; NETWORK: A National Catholic 
Social Justice Lobby; Progressive National Baptist
 Church; The Rabbinical Assembly; Society of St. Vincent DePaul; Sojourners; 
Union for Reform Judaism; United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness 
Ministries; United Jewish Communities; The United Methodist Church – General 
Board of Church and Society; and Women of Reform Judaism.
The Fighting Poverty with Faith mobilization is part of JCPA’s “There Shall Be 
No Needy Among You” anti-poverty campaign and Catholic Charities USA’s Campaign 
to Reduce Poverty in America.  Since both campaigns launched in 2007, JCPA’s  
and CCUSA’s efforts to urge local, state and national leaders to advance 
anti-poverty legislation and programs that help provide food, shelter, 
additional work and educational opportunities for the nation's most vulnerable, 
have led to an increased national commitment to reduce poverty.
More information on this year’s Fighting Poverty with Faith initiative can be 
found at
Catholic Charities USA’s members—more than 1,700 local Catholic Charities 
agencies and institutions nationwide—provide help and create hope for nearly 
8.5 million people a year regardless of religious, social, or economic 
backgrounds. For almost 300 years, Catholic Charities agencies have worked to 
reduce poverty by providing a myriad of vital services in their communities, 
ranging from health care and job training to food and housing. In 2010, 
Catholic Charities USA celebrates its centennial anniversary.
The NCC is the ecumenical voice of America's Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican, 
historic African American and traditional peace churches. These 35 communions 
have 45 million faithful members in 100,000 congregations in all 50 states.
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is the largest umbrella 
organization of Muslims in North America serving a growing Muslim community 
with estimated 7 million Americans. Since its establishment in 1963, ISNA has 
actively brought communities together to address important issues facing 
Muslims in the United States and Canada. ISNA provides practical training for 
leaders and administrators of mosques, Islamic schools, youth organizations and 
social service organizations within the Muslim community.
JCPA, the public affairs arm of the organized Jewish community, serves as the 
national coordinating and advisory body for the 14 national and 125 local 
agencies comprising the field of Jewish community relations.
Islamic Society of North America: Mohamed Elsanousi: (202)544-5656
Jewish Council for Public Affairs: Adam Muhlendorf: (202)265-3000; 
(202)641-6216 (c)
Catholic Charities USA: Roger Conner: (703)236-6218
National Council of Churches in Christ in the USA: Phil Jenks: (212)870-2228.   
P.O. Box 38 Plainfield, IN 46168, USA |  (317) 838-8130 | (202) 544-6767 | Fax: 
(317) 839-1840 


From: aliga cliff <>
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
Sent: Sun, October 11, 2009 12:59:21 AM
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Re: Drug Abuse and Youth Unemployment

Dear brothers, the issue of drug use in Arua picked my interest and I conducted 
my undergraduate Research on KAP on substance abuse among adolescents  in Arua 
Municipality.  A copy of my dissertation is with the the Education Officer 
Madam Flavia Droti, it was also recognised for presentation at Scientific 
conference in Munyonyo in 2006. Indeed we have to have an affirmative action on 
drug use in Arua. The results of the survey showed that some of our children 
started using these drugs at age of 8 years.
I will be willing to give more information on the state of substance use in 
Arua Municipality and a similar survey should be conducted in other parts of 
the district.

Cliff Asher Aliga 

--- On Sun, 10/11/09, Majid Alemi Junior <> wrote:

>From: Majid Alemi Junior <>
>Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Re: Drug Abuse and Youth Unemployment
>To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <>
>Date: Sunday, October 11, 2009, 12:23 AM
>Arua protests against power black outs. click here for more detail info. 
>    over to dream teams. majid alemi 
>junior. & family. in bc.
From: Arike J Pundro <>
>Sent: Thu, October 8, 2009 11:40:32 AM
>Subject: RE: [WestNileNet] Re: Drug Abuse and Youth Unemployment
>Dear Brothers/Sisters.
>Marungi (Khat) is a highly addictive drug categorized as a stimulant that 
>creates feelings of euphoria. Khat originates from the catha edulis shrub, 
>which grows abundantly in parts of East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. 
>Cathine, a Schedule IV drug, and Cathinone, a Schedule I drug, are khat’s two 
>active ingredients. (Marungi) Khat also affects the brain and spinal cord in 
>similar way as amphetamines, which are simulated through synapses.
>FatiFatigue is alleviated, appetite is reduced, attention span is decreased, 
>and levels of alertness and motor activity are increased. Users can quickly 
>develop a psychological dependency to the drug, which increases their 
>confidence, friendliness, and contentment. Hallucinations, grandiose 
>delusions, and paranoia have also been noted as side effects of using khat. 
>The cathinone found in the drug effects the central nervous system, causing an 
>excess amount of dopamine to be produced. High accumulation of dopamine in the 
>brain can cause hallucinations, schizophrenia, and high blood pressure.  Short 
>term effects are Irritability and insomnia, mild euphoria and excittement, 
>physical exhaustion, breathing difficulties,Constipation , Tachycardia or 
>eleveated heart rate , hallucinations, manic behaviorand hyperactivity etc. 
>Long term effects are Anorexia, Gastric disorders, depressionhigh risk of 
>heart disease and cancer of the mouth including liver damage
 and cardic camplication. It also has addiction, Tolerance and withdrawal and 
has more psychological dependence to the drug even though it has no spefic 
physical addiction.
>For details on Marungi I will be willing to give.
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 04:43:47 -0700
>Subject: [WestNileNet] Re: Drug Abuse and Youth Unemployment
>Brothers and Sisters, Praise God!
>The discussion on Drug Abuse and Youth unemployment was rejuvenated at an apt 
>time.  It has come up at a time we are almost at the verge of losing a 
>generation to drugs, and at a time Defense and Internal Affairs Committee of 
>Parliament of Uganda is considering the Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic 
>Substance Control Bill 2007. We therefore have an opportunity to submit our 
>views to Clerk to Parliament for consideration before stakeholders meet on 
>21st & 22nd of this month (
>Correct me, it seems where the Bill stands today, Marungi is not listed as a 
>drug. I also reported earlier, that while on a presidential tour in West 
>Nile, President Museveni told the people for Kijomoro (nucleus) of marungi 
>that, marungi is a mild drug--implying its production is not condemned under 
>the laws of Uganda. Many believe him because the president is sometimes law 
>itself. With marungi also forming the basis of livelihood for many families i 
>don't how the kind of ordinance Jackson proposed will workout in terms of 
>draft and its implementation. So many people are engaged and employed in the 
>value chain of marungi. Unless there is a reliable alternative source of 
>income, Marungi production may continue to flourish farther than we think.
>Just week ago, i attended a function where Moses Obeta, son of late Sila 
>Drakua who introduced marungi to Maracha through his brothers for livelihood 
>was Guest of Honour. He told us that before his father died, he 
>regretted why he gave marungi to his brothers in Maracha. In his words he 
>said, "I thought i had brought marungi to empower my people but it has turned 
>to be a curse". Such a confession points to the two sides of marungi. Although 
>he is yet to cut the marungi plants he maintains, he says he only uses the 
>money to pay fees and to buy iron sheets. In another meeting with some 
>stakeholders in the education sector to discuss poor performance in the recent 
>MOCK and strategies to enhance performance, marungi and other social events 
>such as doscos featured prominently as some of the distracting forces that 
>contribute to poor performance. It was reported that students now prefer 
>cutting marungi to attending classes.
>Aware of the mixed feelings a ban on production of marungi will create, the 
>pros and cons of the activity really have to be explored before any action. 
>Attempts to ban marungi should above all gurantee post marungi livelihood for 
>affected people. This fortunately or unfortunately, this requires involvement 
>of a government which has never perceived marungi question as a problem and 
>may not be in better position to address it. 
>Perhaps we need to commission a research into how to phase out marungi in West 
>Nile. Producing a documentary on dangers of marungi and incorporating them 
>into our syllabus could help in change of attitude among the youth.
>Jackson, as usual  i hope you'll be kind enough to ducument the various views 
>on this issue for submission to Clerk to Parliament for consideration by the 
>concerned committee.
>Denis Lee Oguzu
From: JohnAJackson <>
>Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 6:18:42 PM
>Subject: [WestNileNet] Re: WestNileNet Digest, Vol 14, Issue 24
>Youth unemployment and Drug Abuse
>I think the problem of youth unemplpyment and drug abuse  needs policy 
>direction from all those participating on West Nile Net forum and Local 
>authorities managing the districts.
>a) It would be very important to have Youth Leaders who represents youth 
>issues at the Local district administration council meetings. Some resources 
>should be allocadted in the district administration budget to address youth 
>related problems/issues.
>b) Before we blame the youth, we need to look at the root causes of the 
>problems affecting the youth in the West Nile region.  One of the biggest 
>challeneges in this entire region is HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT RATIOS. If a lot of 
>these young men and women fail in elementary and secondary schools, where else 
>do they go? what can occupy them in productive life? There is a popular saying 
>that "an idle mind is a source of evil"
> c) The High Unemployment rate in this region is one of the culprits engulfing 
>the youth. When there is nothing to be done in the villages apart from 
>digging, what do we expect the youth to do? Obviously many of them will 
>migrate to the urban areas in search of work.  Most people who abuse alcohol 
>and drugs do so to escape from depression. I think this a fundamental problem 
>already taking place in the towns. If this problem is not addressed, soon or 
>later we will begin to see crime rates go up in the urban areas.
>d) Promoting Counseling and Skill Training
>It would be extremely very important to find ways of training out of school 
>youth. Some of these young men and women lack role models in their lives to 
>guide them. Failing in exams does not mean faling in life. Unfortunately our 
>shool system eliminates children regardless of other talents they may have in 
>other areas.
>e) Alternatives to Better Life
>Stopping the production of Marungi needs educating the farmers about the bad 
>side effects. Many of these farmers may not even understand effects of 
>narcotics. There are better alternatives to growing marungi and bangi.  All of 
>us who communicate on this forum should find ways of working with local 
>district administration authorities to come up:
>     (i)  Drafting Ordinance to ban growing Marungi and bangi
>     (ii) Educating farmers about bad side effects of narcotics
>     (iii) Educate farmers to grow crops like Barley for Uganda breweries 
>which has ready market, cotton, fruits, etc
>On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 4:00 AM, <> wrote:
>Send WestNileNet mailing list submissions to
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>>Today's Topics:
>>  1. Re: Text books donated to Mvara Secondary School (Alemi Kenyi)
>>Message: 1
>>Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 05:23:57 +0000 (GMT)
>>From: Alemi Kenyi <>
>>Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Text books donated to Mvara Secondary
>>       School
>>To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
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>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>Dr. Anguzu,
>>Your suggestion is a good one. Saturday 3pm in the School would be a good 
>>idea. DMO, Sam, Ejiku et al, what is your take?
>>This would also provide some of us who used to roam around nyaluva hills to 
>>get inside mvara after all this long. As an OB by extension, i would be happy 
>>to be in the delegation since long Uhuru weekend accords some of us the 
>>opportunity to travel to Arua.
>>--- On Tue, 6/10/09, anguzu yumaa <> wrote:
>>From: anguzu yumaa <>
>>Subject: [WestNileNet] Text books donated to Mvara Secondary School
>>Date: Tuesday, 6 October, 2009, 9:44 PM
>>This really is to commend the efforts of the Mvara OBs and OGs who donated 
>>text books for Mvara Secondary School. I have alteady brought the books to 
>>Arua from Kampala. I think it would be good to give the books to the school 
>>during a ceremony that should be covered by the media. I think such an effort 
>>should not pass without due recognition. It will stimulate others to also 
>>play their role to improve the academic performance in the school. What do 
>>you think guys? And lets suggest a day for this. I would think the earlier 
>>the better. They might be useful for those currently preparing for exams.
>>Dr. Anguzu Yumaa Patrick
>>P.O.Box 701 Arua, Uganda, East Africa.
>>Telephone: +256476421367 - Home
>>                 +256772696200 - Mobile
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