Fellow citizens.

As the country votes tomorrow, vigilance is key. Every citizen could help
meticulously cross-check all numbers being declared by the Electoral
Commission (EC). It is our civic duty to do so.
While we imagine that vote rigging is about ballot stuffing, the big theft
is done by reading numbers cooked from thin air.
The best example is 2006 when Dr. Besigye won a particular polling station
with 500 votes against Mr. Museveni's 17 votes.
What was later announced is that Museveni had won 500 votes and that
Besigye had got 0 votes.
On the ground all goes well during vote counting, but then the EC Chairman
announces results concocted at his office.
That's the real vote rigging/election theft.
Usually the votes are fairly safe at the District level if they are
followed meticulously.
It is at the EC headquarters that numbers get blurred in tallying and false
results get easily inserted/declared.
That is exactly what happened in Kenya and ignited their infamous 2008
post-election violence.
The Chairman was caught live on national television reading false results.
Attempts to stop him were made. He was whisked upstairs to a special room
from where he cut short the process by immediately declaring his winner.
This sparked violence. I was in Nairobi at the time watching it all from
I however am glad to see Ugandan citizens already cross-checking the
numbers produced by our Electoral Commission. A serious discrepancy of
20,000 "ghost votes" was recently unearthed from the voters register
numbers by an alert lady. That is the sharpness the country needs to
maintain during every electoral exercise.
It is quite amazing though that the EC is now openly synonymous with
rigging and hardly able to hide the now endemic cronyism.
Favoritism in western countries is usually done covertly and few officials
are foolish enough to show open partiality. However here, it is the
opposite. Loyalism has taken center stage and many state agents are
struggling to prove their loyalty by openly favoring their incumbent boss.
This is mostly done by openly and highhandedly curbing his opponents.
It is lsaid to be a survival mechanism within the establishment. Mostly for
job security or as a career advancement strategy.
This shows shortsightedness, selfishness, and an increasing lack of sound
political principals.
Particularly disturbing is the fact that highly educated people are putting
all their intellect into linguistically justifying what simply shouldn't be
happening (i.e. the recent killing of an innocent, unarmed civilian citizen
who was simply supporting an opposition candidate. He was murdered by
fascist state agents in cold blood).
It was ordinary citizens who were appalled by what they saw and who then
exposed this sad event with pictures and video.
Other ordinary citizens, both men and women, were seen recording the events
that erupted at Kisseka on Monday.
This shows the peoples need to share everything that goes wrong with this
electoral process. The civilian population is increasingly appearing more
patriotic and activist in spirit than state agents.
Exposing malpractices helps make the process better for the future, and
while the citizens want long term peace and stability, what they really
first want at this time is a just electoral exercise.

Good Luck and God Bless Uganda!
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