The Petition Filed By Mr. Amama Mbabazi (candidate) requests the Supreme
1 - to annul the February 18th elections.
2 - to formally declare that Yoweri Kaguta Museveni wasn't validly elected
as President.
3.- to award him (Amama Mbabazi) costs for the petition.

Below is the full petition.

1. Your petitioner Amama Mbabazi is a person who was a candidate at the
above mentioned Presidential Election and is an aggrieved candidate within
the meaning of the Presidential Election Act.
2. And your petitioner states that the election was held on the 18th day of
February 2016 when Abed Bwanika, Amama Mbabazi, Baryamureeba Venansius,
Benon Buta Biraaro, Kizza Besigye Kifefe, Mabirizi Joseph, Maureen Faith
Kyalya Waluube and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni were candidates and the Electoral
Commission has returned Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the validly elected
President by its Declaration dated 20th February 2016.
3. And your petitioner contends that the following offences and illegal
practices were committed in connection with the said Presidential election
(a) (i) Contrary to Section 64 (1) and (4) of the Presidential Elections
Act hereinafter referred to as “the Act” the 1st Respondent [Mr Museveni]
and his agents with his knowledge and consent or approval gave a bribe of
hoes to the voters of West Nile with intent that they should vote the 1st
Respondent and to refrain from voting the petitioner and other presidential
(ii) Contrary to Section 64 (1) and (4) of the Presidential Elections Act
between mid-2015 and 16th and 18th of February 2016 the 1st Respondent
through his agents and with the knowledge and consent or approval gave a
bribe of Ushs250,000 (Uganda Shillings) to voters in every village
throughout Uganda on two occasions with intent that they should vote the
1st Respondent and to refrain from voting the petitioner and other
(b) Contrary to S.69 (1) (a) and (b) of the Act the 1st Respondent made
reckless statements while referring to the petitioner and candidate Kizza
Besigye that he was not prepared to hand over power to wolves, “emishega”
and that the followers-cum-supporters of the petitioner and Kizza Besigye
were “mad”.
(c) Contrary to Section 26 (b) of the Act the 1st Respondent organized,
under the Uganda Police, a political partisan militia, the so-called “crime
preventers” under the superintendence of the Inspector General of Police
General Kale Kayihura, a paramilitary force –cum-militia to use force and
violence against persons suspected of not supporting candidate Yoweri
Kaguta Museveni thereby causing a breach of peace, disharmony and
disturbance of public tranquility and induce others to vote against their
conscience in order to gain unfair advantage for candidate Yoweri Kaguta
(c) Contrary to Sections 24 (5) (a) (i) (ii) (b) (c) (d) and 7 of the Act
the 1st Respondent on several occasions threatened to arrest your
petitioner and candidate Kizza Besigye and used derogatory and reckless
language when he stated that your Petitioner and his supporters had touched
“the anus of a leopard” and would see what would happen to them and this
had the effect of scaring voters to vote the 1st Respondent for their own
(d) Contrary to Sections 24 (5) (a) (i) (ii) (b) (c) + (d) and 7 of the Act
the 1st Respondent on various occasions threatened that if the voters
elected your petitioner or anybody else, Uganda would go back to war and
this had the effect of influencing the voters to vote the 1st Respondent so
as to maintain the status quo.
(e) That the above illegal practices and offences were committed by the 1st
Respondent personally or and his agents and supporters with his knowledge
and consent or approval through the Police, some elements of the Military,
Special Forces and the organs of the State attached to his office under his
command as the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Chairman
of the National Defence Council and High Command and Chairman of the
National Resistance Movement.
4. Your petitioner says that on … September 2015, contrary to S.3 (1) (2)
of the Act, under the directive of the 1st Respondent, the Inspector
General of Police General Kale Kayihura and his officers prevented your
petitioner, as an aspirant from conducting consultations with voters in
preparation for his nomination as a presidential candidate.
5. Under the directive of the 1st Respondent some officers under the
command of General Kale Kayihura of the Uganda Police Force applied force
and arrested your petitioner along Jinja Road in Njeru Town Council near
the Owen Falls Dam Bridge and publicly humiliated him and later detained
him at Kira Road Police Station thereby giving unfair advantage to the 1st
Respondent who on the other hand was criss-crossing the country undeterred
under the guise of “wealth creation” (sic) when he was in effect
6. Contrary to Section 3 of the Act when your petitioner was subsequently
allowed to go, he was hounded and trailed by some members of the Uganda
People’s Defence Forces, the Uganda Police, a motley crew of all the state
security agencies and the so-called Crime Preventers (sic) who would go as
advance teams or would go at the time of the consultations to dissuade
voters and members of the public from attending the Petitioner’s meetings
and actually dispersed the petitioner’s meetings in diverse places in
eastern Uganda, instilled fear and harassed all who attended the said
meetings, and arrested all those who carried your petitioner’s manifestos,
posters and other campaign materials thereby frustrating his efforts and
giving unfair advantage to candidate Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
7. Contrary to Sections 9 and 10 of the Act:
(a) The 1st Respondent was nominated by the 2nd Respondent (Electoral
Commission) illegally on the 3rd day of November 2015 when the 1st
Respondent had not yet been sponsored by the National Resistance Movement
on whose ticket he purportedly contested.
(b) The 2nd Respondent acted improperly when it extended the deadline to
give the 1st Respondent more time instead of declaring the 1st Respondent’s
nomination papers null and void under S.11 of the Act after the deadline
had passed and after all other candidates had submitted their respective
documents thereby giving the 1st Respondent unfair advantage.
8. Contrary to Section 12 (i) (e) of the Election Commission Act, the 2nd
Respondent failed to accord equal treatment to your petitioner when it
failed to prevail upon authorities and agencies of government such as the
Uganda Broadcasting Corporation and the New Vision Publishing Corporation
through their electronic and print media to render equal coverage to him to
enable him present his programmes but they offered preferential treatment
to the 1st Respondent.
9. Contrary to Section 26 of the Act, the 1st Respondent directed a one
[retired] Major General to fly the 1st Respondent’s helicopter fully
decorated with the 1st Respondent’s campaign posters and party colours to
land at Boma Ground Fort Portal and instilled fear and uncertainty and in
effect interfering with the scheduled electioneering activities of your
petitioner culminating in the disruption of your petitioner’s rally.
10. Contrary to Section 27 of the Act, the 1st Respondent made use of
government resources which are not ordinarily attached to and utilized by
the President without proper authorization by law thereby having unfair
advantage over your Petitioner.
11. Contrary to Section 28(a) (b) (c) of the Act on 18th February 2016
officials of the 2nd Respondent delivered to many polling stations the
voting materials late and at many polling stations voting did not commence
until 2:00 pm and in some places at 4:00pm and yet others at 8:30pm and
ended after 1:00am in other places.
12. Contrary to the provisions of Sections 33 and 48 (4) and (5) of the Act
on the polling day during the polling exercise the Petitioner’s polling
agents were chased away from the Polling Stations in many districts of
Uganda and as a result the Petitioner’s interests at those polling stations
could not be safeguarded.
13. Contrary to Section 30 (2) and (5) of the Act, the 2nd Respondent and
its agents/servants allowed voting before the official polling time and
allowed people to vote beyond the polling time by people who were neither
present at polling stations nor in the line of voters at the official hour
of closing.
14. Contrary to Section 31 (8) of the Act, the 2nd Respondent’s
agents/servants in the course of their duties, allowed commencement of the
poll with pre-ticked ballot papers, ballot boxes already stuffed with
ballot papers and without first opening the said boxes in full view of all
present to ensure that they are devoid of any contents.
15. Contrary to Section 32 of the Act, the 2nd Respondent’s
agents/servants/the Presiding Officers in the course of their duties and
with full knowledge that some people had already voted allowed the same
people to vote more than once.
16. Contrary to Art. 61 (1) (e) of the 1995 Constitution and Section 12 (f)
and Section 18 of the Electoral Commission Act, the 2nd Respondent failed
in its statutory duty of properly compiling and securely maintaining the
integrity of the National Voters’ Register and instead illegally retired
the duly compiled Voters’ register and purported to create another using
data compiled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
17. Contrary to Section 35 (1) and (2) of the Act, the 2nd Respondent
failed to identify voters by their respective voters cards but instead
applied an unreliable, slow and suspect biometric identification machines
thereby denying legitimate registered voters their right to vote and
creating room for persons not duly registered to vote.
18. Contrary to Section 12 (b) and (c) of the Electoral Commission Act
2005, the 2nd Respondent failed to control the distribution and use of
ballot boxes and ballot papers resulting in the commission of numerous
election offences under Part X of the Act as hereunder:-
(a) Unauthorized persons got possession of ballot papers and other ballot
documents relating to the election and used them during the election.
(b) Unauthorized persons and/or officials of the 2nd Respondent used the
ballot documents acquired to stuff ballot boxes, tick ballot papers on
behalf of the voters, vote more than once and/or doctor figures in the
Declaration of Results Forms (DRs) and Tally sheets.
19. Contrary to Section 33 of the Act, the 2nd Respondent’s agents/servants
the Presiding Officers failed to prevent the Petitioner’s polling agents
from being chased away from Polling Stations and as a result the
Petitioner’s agents were unable to observe and to monitor the voting
20. Contrary to Sections 30 (4) and 35 of the Act, the 2nd Respondent and
its agents/servants, the Presiding Officers in the course of their duties
allowed people with no Valid Voter’s Cards to vote or denied those who had
cards from voting.
21. Contrary to Section 43 of the Act the 2nd Respondent and its
agents/servants in the course of their duties allowed people with deadly
weapons, to wit soldiers and the so-called Crime Preventers at Polling
Stations – a presence which intimidated many voters to vote for the
soldiers’ boss and candidate Yoweri Kaguta Museveni while many of those who
disliked being forced to vote for that candidate stayed away and refrained
from voting at all.
22. Contrary to Section 48 of the Act the 2nd Respondent’s agents/servants
in the course of their duties denied the Petitioner’s Polling Agents
information concerning the counting and tallying process.
23. Contrary to Section 49 of the Act the 2nd Respondent’s agents/servants
allowed the voting and carried out the counting and tallying of votes in
the forced absence of the Petitioner’s agents whose duty was to safeguard
the Petitioner’s interests by observing the voting, counting and tallying
process and ascertaining the results.
24. Contrary to Section 12 (1) (e) and (f) of the Electoral Commission Act
the 2nd Respondent failed to ensure that the entire Presidential Electoral
process was conducted under conditions of freedom and fairness and as a
result your Petitioner’s and his agents’ campaigns were interfered with by
some elements of the military including the Special Forces and the
so-called Crime Preventers under General Kale Kayihura.
25. The Petitioner’s agents and supporters were abducted and some arrested
by some elements of the army to prevail upon them to vote for the First
Respondent or to refrain from voting.contrary to Section 76 (b) of the Act.
26. Contrary to Sections 72 () and (j) and 73 (b) of the Act some of the
2nd Respondent’s agents/servants the Presiding Officers/Polling Assistants
in the course of their duties ticked ballot papers in the 1st Respondent’s
favour and later gave them to voters to put in the ballot boxes and others
interfered with ballot boxes and stuffed them with already ticked ballot
papers,.and failed to prevent “table voting” in some areas such as in
Kiruhura District and in most areas of the cattle corridor in Uganda.
27. The commission of the herein mentioned offences and illegal practices
by the 1st Respondent and instances of non-compliance with the provisions
of the law by the 2nd Respondent are proved by electronic evidence,
affidavit evidence and several reports of eminent observer teams which
shall be relied upon at the hearing.
28. In the result, such non-compliance with the provisions of the
Presidential Elections Act 2005 and of the Electoral Commission Act as
aforesaid affected the result of the Presidential Election in a substantial
manner as hereunder:
(i) The number of actual voters on the Voters’ Roll/Register remained
unknown and some people were disfranchised and the number of votes cast
during the election at certain Polling Stations exceeded the registered
number of registered voters or the ballot papers delivered at the station.
(ii) The identity of some of the voters could not be verified.
(iii) The electoral process regarding the voters’ register was full of
serious flaws and some of the voters were denied the chance and sufficient
time to correct those flaws.
(iv) No sufficient time was allowed for the Petitioner and his agents and
supporters to scrutinize the voters roll/register and take corrective
measures regarding the same.
(v) The Petitioner’s Polling Agents were denied the opportunity to
safeguard their candidate’s interests at the time of voting, counting and
tallying of votes and in the absence illegal voters voted while legitimate
voters voted more than once.
(vi) The Petitioner was unduly hindered from freely canvassing support by
the presence of some members of the military and so-called crime preventers
and militia who intimidated the voters.
(vii) It cannot positively be ascertained that the 1st Respondent obtained
more than 50% of valid votes of those entitled to vote.
• Therefore your Petitioner prays that this Honourable Court declares:-
(a) That Yoweri Kaguta Museveni was not validly elected as President.
(b) That the election be annulled.
• The Petitioner be awarded costs of this Petition.
• The Petition is accompanied by the Petitioner’s Affidavit together with
other Affidavits sworn by deponents whose names appear in a list attached
hereto and marked “A” and more affidavits to be filed later.
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