Speech by Kenyan Senator Prof. Anyang Nyongo to Kenyan Parliament on
Uganda's 2016 General Elections.

Date: 29 Feb 2016.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I had earlier sought leave of the House under
Standing Order No.45(2)(a) to make a statement and bring the attention of
the House to a matter that concerns us as Kenyans, Africans and East
Mr. Speaker, Sir, last week general and presidential elections were held in
Uganda. The outcome of the presidential election has been very problematic.
This is the first time in an African country where an election is held and
there is no celebration of victory anywhere.
If anything the victory rally that President Museveni had planned in
Kampala had to be cancelled because of tremendous discontent of the Ugandan
people on the conduct of the election, the degree of freeness and fairness
and the interference by the State in the democratic process to subvert
democracy and deny the people of Uganda the freedom to choose their leaders
without fear or hindrance.
We sit on a precipice of disaster. Like it happened in the 1970s, we may
sooner than later, have to accommodate our Ugandan sisters and brothers in
Kenya because of insecurity in their country. It is, therefore, we, as
Kenyans, to become seized what is going on and get ready to defend
democracy, not just in our nation, but everywhere in the world.
There is already international pressure going on and statements being made
by peace lovers and democratization forces the world over, calling the
attention of the world to the lack of democracy in Uganda. His Excellency
President Olusegun Obasanjo, the Chairman of the Commonwealth Observer
Group to the 2016 General Elections in Uganda has already made it clear
that nobody who believes in sanctity of democracy can put a stamp of
approval on that election.
The European Union (EU) made a similar statement, calling the attention of
the world to the fact that the just concluded elections in Uganda,
particularly the presidential elections were rigged, hollow and a sham.
Although the African Union (AU) and the regional group in the Great Lakes
Region timidly approved of these elections as free and fair, we, a country,
that is so proud of our 2010 Constitution that proclaims the universality
of democracy and the equality of all men and women in this world and the
right of every person to choose a Government of his own choice, is
something that we must stand tall as Kenya and be counted among those who
are rejecting the so-called democratic elections in Uganda.
The elections are only democratic in so far as President Yoweri Museveni is
concerned. President Museveni himself is on record as saying that nobody
should teach him about democracy. This is the kind of arrogance of the big
man in Africa that should have been left behind.
In the African scene, in the early 2000s when I was Minister for Planning
and National Development, most African countries, indeed, all members of
the AU, signed themselves to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). The
reason we aceded the APRM was because of the importance we attach to
democracy in the new surge for good governance in our continent which is
really needed for development. Since then every African country which
signed up to the APRM has been reviewed by their peers, including Uganda.
If you read the report by the APRM, there is no doubt in my mind that all
those reports, including the one on Kenya, lays emphasis to importance of
free and fair elections in order that we will nurture democracy in our
These reports also say that there is a very close correlation between good
governance and development. African countries that have performed well in
terms of development are those which respect good governance. We are saying
this is not to be paternalistic to the Ugandan people, but because we want
to be brotherly to our Ugandan brothers and sisters.
Something we share in common should not be sacrificed at the alter ego of
dictatorship or big man syndrome. It is important too that we recognize the
roles that certain countries have played in this continent to advise
advanced democracy.
The recent elections in Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Botswana and the pending
election in South Africa make us proud. Since there are nations and
Governments in Africa which have stood tall to defend and promote
democracy, there is no need why in our region any Government should fall
behind in the promotion and defense of democracy.
We, as members of the East African Community, should be brave enough to
know too that in the East African Community there are standards of good
governance that we have committed ourselves to and we should not allow any
of our members to depart from.
I brought this statement to the House because, at the moment, the rest of
the world may judge us harshly if, indeed, what goes on in Uganda is
allowed to continue and degenerates into blood that we have never seen
At the moment, the social media is filled with so many atrocities that have
already been committed as a result of the fact that the people are
resisting the rigging of the elections. However, the State is perpetuating
its own repression on the people so that they may not speak.
It was diabolical for the Government of Uganda to shut down social media
during these elections. We know the role that social media has played to
awaken the African people to the reality of democracy. Freedom of
expression and communication is enhanced by the social media. At times, I
agree social media goes overboard, but nations and governments should
establish rules and regulations to deal with this. However, taking drastic
action of shutting down a major avenue of communication among the Ugandan
people and between the Ugandan people and the world at large is
Further, arresting a leader of the opposition and stopping Mr. Besigye from
going to the Electoral Commission to seek for results of an election shows
very clearly that the victor is not the victor.
The victor has become the victim of his own imagination that he is the
victor. These are issues that may visit us in this country. We, as Kenyans,
must stand tall and resist that kind of development. I call upon the
Government of Uganda to respect the democratic rights of her own people.
I call upon the people of East Africa to respect the democratic rights of
the people of Uganda. I call upon the International Community to come in
solidarity with the people of Uganda. I call upon the United Nations
Organization (UNO) whose charter was based on the freedom of all mankind,
to come out boldly and tell the world that this is a member of the UNO
which has abrogated the charter of the UNO.
I call upon the AU not to be timid, but to stand with nations who love
democracy the world over to denounce what is happening in Uganda. I call
upon the East African Community right here at home to do the same. This
Senate composes of men and women who have struggled for democracy and who
know that democracy must be upheld in every nation. The Senate has
distinguished itself to speak the truth and stand for the truth.
I call upon this nation to lead the world in condemning what is going on in
Uganda, in calling upon Ugandans to be strong enough to resist the creeping
nature of a dictatorial regime that was going to be thrown away by a free
and fair election. We, lovers of peace and democracy, will stand with them.
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