Photo: Saudi King Faisal is taken for an Owen Falls dam tour. An hour
later, the King called Uganda "paradise" while relaxing at the Mabira
forest picnic garden.

Letter To The Telegraph UK (June 2015): Channel 4 Journalist Jon Snow
Wanted To Assassinate Amin?

Dear Telegraph editor,

As I was perusing through your newspaper website, I discovered a November
2012 article where popular British news anchor Jon Snow claims he wanted to
assassinate Idi Amin during a flight from Uganda's International Airport to
Arua (

The same incident was written in more detail by Mr. Snow himself in the
Guardian newspaper ten years earlier in 2002. (http://

In his story, he narrates how during the purported trip in 1978, he thought
about taking Amin's pistol from it's side holster and pulling the trigger
on him. He says they had been flying with a Swiss pilot and a bulky air
stewardess together with his news crew, all squeezed in an executive Falcon
jet to Arua.
I immediately laughed out loud, but then said to myself; 'Look at this
moron. What a parasite. Why did he write such hogwash?'
Uganda's presidential jet was a Gulf Stream II number 5X-UPF. The same
Chief pilot that flew Amin, still flies the presidential jet today. The
crew has always been Ugandans.
An incident during the second Arab-Israeli war (1973), forced Amin not to
trust European pilots. The ones supposed to fly him on a Saudi leased jet
from Riyadh where he had left his Gulf Stream jet, were British pilots who
were later discovered by Saudi security to also be Israelis with Jewish
passports. Yet they were to fly Amin to Syria and Jordan to discuss the
Arab cause. Uganda's jet had once flown to Amin's hometown a couple of
years earlier before Mr. Snow's fake trip. But because the Arua airstrip
wasn't tarmacked as required for Gulf Streams, the front landing gear had
broken after a rough landing. The plane was repaired a few days later, but
Arua airfield was now clearly a no-go area for the jet. The airfield is
still untarmarcked to this day. So it was in helicopters that Amin (RIP)
would travel to Arua yet the British news reader alleges he flew with him
in a Falcon jet with a "ginger-haired Swiss pilot".
I did enjoy Jon Snows buffoonery though. Particularly as he pretended to be
in painful remorse because he failed to assassinate my father.
But what a cheap, fame-hungry opportunist Mr. Snow is right?

Best Regards

Hussein J. L. Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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