Dear all,

I visted Flavia, the five year old victim of defilement yesterday together
with members from civil society. Flavia is about to go to theatre this
morning at 11am. She is abit  stable now but she got malaria and cough but
on treatment. Her torture has been a long story by this step father who
finally committted this grave offence. At one moment she was beaten
unconcious by this very man and hospitalized, then she stayed for three
months with police for her safety and warnings by law enforcers fell in
death ears and this was the peak. The man does not allow her eat food
bought by him, only when the mother buys with her own money. The story is
very nasty and the newspaper story had a number  of distortions probably
due to translations.  We managed to raise 175,000= yesterday for their
upkeep and I received 100 Euros from one member of this net who lives in
Germany. The mother Annet comes from Oluko sub-county in Ayivu and she a
young woman of about 20 years of age, she could not find her way back to
Arua by herself from Lugazi. We are organizing to go to Lugazi to follow up
what has happened to this man. I talked to one of the police officers in
Lugazi and he said we have to go up to there, he could not give any
information on phone. None of the relatives including the father of this
girl cannot make it Kampala to follow up the issue due to lack of money.
Annet and the two children are both in the hospital. After their discharge,
we shall organize to take them to Arua. If you are touched by this story
please try to help in  anyway you can. I am keeping the collections because
she said it is risky for to keep the money and I will be taking to her what
she needs to use. I will visit her again tomorrow.

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