Title: Message
When using wget on a large file e.g. (wget -c ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/knoppix-remastered/knoppix-34-dvd-by-iso-top.info.iso) around 2.5gigs I get the following progress bar
    [                                                                      <=> ] -1,852,766,472  343.26K/s
and later
    [                                                                <=>       ] -1,842,437,408  351.40K/s
I noticed this after continuing the download after a crash.  The following is the stackdump that was left

Stack trace:

Frame Function Args

0022DA08 77E7AC21 (00000000, 002298C0, 6102FC33, 00000001)

0022DB08 61090030 (00000D84, 0022DB20, 0022F098, 77E94809)

0022DBC8 6109030A (00000D84, 00000006, 0022DBF8, 610906DD)

0022DBD8 6109012C (00000006, 00000000, 610F9A30, 00000003)

0022DBF8 610906DD (61001020, 00420A32, 00420A50, 00000124)

0022DC28 61001117 (00420A50, 00000124, 00420A32, 6105B4D6)

0022DC58 6108DF2F (885C5800, 00000000, 41591FA5, 0022DC74)

0022DC78 004209F6 (885C5800, 00000000, 41591FA5, 00000000)

0022DD18 0040698B (100118E8, 0022DD5C, 00000000, 0022DE70)

0022DDE8 0040830B (100118E8, 00000000, 0022DE70, 3A783A6E)

0022EEC8 00409C2E (100118E8, 0022EF84, 00000000, 6109B105)

0022EF28 004210BD (100117F8, 0022EF7C, 0022EF80, 00000000)

0022F000 0041C75A (00000003, 10011610, 100100A8, 00000001)

0022F0B0 61005F54 (0022F0C8, 77F944A8, 0000001B, 00240B98)

0022FF90 6100616B (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)

End of stack trace

This is on a windows XP machine with cygwin and GNU Wget 1.9.1

If you need any more information you can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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