In replies to the post requesting support of the file:// scheme, requests were made for someone to provide a compelling reason to want to do this. Perhaps the following is such a reason.I have a CD with HTML content (it is a CD of abstracts from a scientific conference), however for space r
i'm also playing around with building wget 1.10.2, using FC4/Eclipse IDE. i
can build wget using the configure/make/make install process...
however, when i try to create a managed eclipse project, and i try to
configure eclipse so that it compiles/builds the wget app, i'm running into
hi chris...
i've just started to try to build wget on an old visual studio 6 windows
i'm getting errors... any ideas as to how i should/might proceed... does
anyone have an actual vis studio project workspace for wget...
-Original Message-
From: Christopher G.
Hi all -
I've published the latest alpha Win32 binaries using a similar format
to Heiko's Win32 page. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with what
Heiko's done in the past, which has been excellent. Heiko deserves a
big round of cheers for his work.
The location for the downloads will be
i'm playing around with building wget 1.10.2 on msoft windows 2000, using
visual studio 6 (i know.. it's old!!)
i copied the wget source from the web. i ran the configure.bat, followed by
nmake and got a compile error in the http.c/rc.c files...
i then created a msoft console poroject, usin
Am Montag, den 12.06.2006, 15:17 -0700 schrieb Don Armstrong:
Hello Hrvoje and Mauro,
> > I understand and agree with the reasoning behind removing the GPL as
> > the invariant section; but why also remove the GFDL as an invariant
> > section?
> That's just because having the GFDL as an invari