
i´m not sure if that is a feature request or a bug.
Wget does not collect all page requisites of a given URL.
Many sites are referencing components of these sites in cascading style sheets,
but wget does not collect these components as page requisites.

A example:
$ wget -q -p -k -nc -x --convert-links \
$ find . -name "*.css"
$ grep  "url(" ./aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/static/aspn.css
list-style-image: url(/ASPN/img/dot_A68C53_8x8_.gif);
               background-image: url(/ASPN/img/ads/ASPN_banner_bg.gif);
               background-image: url('/ASPN/img/ads/ASPN_komodo_head.gif');
                background-image: url('/ASPN/img/ads/ASPN_banner_bottom.gif');
$ find . -name "ASPN_banner_bg.gif" || echo "not found"

A solution for this problem would to parse all collected *.css files
for lines which match for "url(.*)" and to collect these files.

Best regards

Marc Schoechlin
I prefer non-proprietary document-exchange.
Contact me via jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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