
I just upgraded wget on my Debian GNU/Linux system from 1.5.3 to 1.6.

Whenever I run wget 1.6, I get a bunch of lines complaining about my

 virgil:~$ wget http://www.koldfront.dk/
 --00:37:42--  http://www.koldfront.dk/
            => `index.html'
 Connecting to www.koldfront.dk:80... connected!
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:4: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:8: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:12: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:16: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:20: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:24: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:28: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:32: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:36: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:40: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:44: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:48: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:52: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:57: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:62: unknown token ""
 wget: /home/asjo/.netrc:66: unknown token ""
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: unspecified [text/html]

     0K -> .......... ...

 00:37:44 (6.16 KB/s) - `index.html' saved [13455]


It seems that wget doesn't like empty lines. The extra output of
course is a nuisance when using wget in an otherwise quiet cron-job.

The wget manual states (Startup File-node):

 "You can find `.netrc' format in your system manuals."

"man netrc" on my system says:

 "The .netrc file contains login and initialization information used
  by the auto-login process.  It resides in the user's home directory.
  The following tokens are recognized; they may be separated by
  spaces, tabs, or new-lines:"

It could perhaps be clearer, but "new-lines" is plural.

XEmacs (efs) and ncftp have no problems ignoring empty lines - and the
extra newlines make ~/.netrc ever so much easier to parse for humans.

I'm sure the fix is trivial, and I hope someone who knows just where
to modify will do so. If not, please let me know and I'll give it my
worst :-)

Thanks for a very useful tool!

  Best regards,

 "Ok, so we didn't learn any big lesson. Sue me."              Adam Sjøgren
 "Live and don't learn, that's us."                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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