On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 12:57:18PM -0800, Tony Lewis wrote:
> John J Foerch wrote:
> > It seems that the system of using the metric prefixes for numbers 2^n is a
> > simple accident of history.  Any thoughts on this?
> I would say that the practice of using powers of 10 for K and M is a
> response to people who cannot think in binary.

I would say that the original poster understands what he is
saying, and you clearly don't...


kilo, mega, giga, tera and many others are standard in SI and
widely used in physics, chemistry, engineering by their real
meaning (powers of 10). The hole powers of 2 thing is just
because 1024 is close to 1000 and computers work in binary, so is
logical to think in powers of 2 (so yes, a mere accident of
20th century history).


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