
I'm having a strange problem using wget-1.9.1-r2 or wget-1.9-r2.
I'm working behind a proxy (that has been duly configured with export
http_proxy) and connecting to
gz to get the newest Swissprot database. I enabled the debug output of wget
and that's what I get (see appended output).

Strangely after the last "Closing fd 4" nothing happens anymore... The wget
process is still runnin in memory and it just "sits" there forever...

Does somebody have an idea or a hint? Maybe this is a known issue, but I
haven't found a clue yet. My searches on this mailing list have not been
fruitful but my search keywords were not very precise.

Best regards,

Patrick Pirrotte

Appended output:

DEBUG output created by Wget 1.9.1 on linux-gnu.

Using `/usr/local/mascot/sequence/Sprot/incoming/.listing' as listing tmp
--18:58:13--  ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase/
           => `/usr/local/mascot/sequence/Sprot/incoming/.listing'
Resolving ftp.ebi.ac.uk...
Caching ftp.ebi.ac.uk =>
Connecting to ftp.ebi.ac.uk[]:21... connected.
Created socket 3.
Releasing 0x807f6e0 (new refcount 1).
Logging in as anonymous ... 220 ftp1.ebi.ac.uk FTP server (Version
wu-2.6.2(2) Wed Aug 20 08:58:45 BST 2003) ready.

--> USER anonymous

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.

--> PASS -wget@

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Logged in!
==> SYST ...
--> SYST

215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-198911
done.    ==> PWD ...
--> PWD

257 "/" is current directory.
==> TYPE I ...
--> TYPE I

200 Type set to I.
done.  changing working directory
Prepended initial PWD to relative path:
   pwd: '/'
   old: 'pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase'
  new: '/pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase'
==> CWD /pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase ...
--> CWD /pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase

250 CWD command successful.
==> PASV ...
--> PASV

227 Entering Passive Mode (193,62,196,103,190,223)
Created socket 4.
done.    ==> LIST ...
--> LIST

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls.

    [ <=>                                                          ] 1,133

Closing fd 4
226 Transfer complete.
18:58:16 (66.84 KB/s) - `/usr/local/mascot/sequence/Sprot/incoming/.listing'
saved [1133]

PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jul; day: 28; time: 10:57:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Dec; day: 7; time: 15:32:00 (no yr);
DIRECTORY; perms 775; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 11:25:00 (no yr);
DIRECTORY; perms 775; month: Jul; day: 19; year: 2004 (no tm);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:37:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:39:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:40:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:40:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:42:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
Wrote HTML-ized index to
`/usr/local/mascot/sequence/Sprot/incoming/index.html' [2655].
Closing fd 3
DEBUG output created by Wget 1.9.1 on linux-gnu.

Using `/usr/local/mascot/sequence/Sprot/incoming/.listing' as listing tmp
           => `/usr/local/mascot/sequence/Sprot/incoming/.listing'
Resolving ftp.ebi.ac.uk...
Caching ftp.ebi.ac.uk =>
Connecting to ftp.ebi.ac.uk[]:21... connected.
Created socket 3.
Releasing 0x807f748 (new refcount 1).
Logging in as anonymous ... 220 ftp1.ebi.ac.uk FTP server (Version
wu-2.6.2(2) Wed Aug 20 08:58:45 BST 2003) ready.

--> USER anonymous

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.

--> PASS -wget@

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Logged in!
==> SYST ...
--> SYST

215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-198911
done.    ==> PWD ...
--> PWD

257 "/" is current directory.
==> TYPE I ...
--> TYPE I

200 Type set to I.
done.  changing working directory
Prepended initial PWD to relative path:
   pwd: '/'
   old: 'pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase'
  new: '/pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase'
==> CWD /pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase ...
--> CWD /pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase

250 CWD command successful.
==> PASV ...
--> PASV

227 Entering Passive Mode (193,62,196,103,195,53)
Created socket 4.
done.    ==> LIST ...
--> LIST

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls.

    [ <=>                                                          ] 1,133

Closing fd 4
226 Transfer complete.
18:58:20 (101.15 KB/s) -
`/usr/local/mascot/sequence/Sprot/incoming/.listing' saved [1133]

PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jul; day: 28; time: 10:57:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Dec; day: 7; time: 15:32:00 (no yr);
DIRECTORY; perms 775; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 11:25:00 (no yr);
DIRECTORY; perms 775; month: Jul; day: 19; year: 2004 (no tm);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:37:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:39:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:40:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:40:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:42:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 664; month: Jan; day: 4; time: 14:36:00 (no yr);
Removed `/usr/local/mascot/sequence/Sprot/incoming/.listing'.
==> CWD not required.
==> PASV ...
--> PASV

227 Entering Passive Mode (193,62,196,103,160,7)
Created socket 4.
done.    ==> RETR uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz ...
--> RETR uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz (28899327
Length: 28,899,327

28,899,327   155.11K/s    ETA 00:00

Closing fd 4

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