Hello.  When using '--timestamping --retr-symlinks', the time stamping
logic seem to compare the date of the symbolic link with the local
copy of the file.  But wget will download the real file, and set the
local date to the same as the real file.  So if the symbolic link, on
the server, has a newer date than the real file, wget will download
the real file every time.

I think the timestamp checking logic should be changed, so that when
--retr-symlinks is specified, and the file on the server is a symbolic
link, wget use the date of the real server file instead of the date of
the server symlink.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/gss/po$ wget --timestamping --retr-symlinks 
--15:34:21--  ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/gss/??.po
           => `.listing'
Resolving ftp.unex.es...
Connecting to ftp.unex.es[]:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/gss ... done.
==> PASV ... done.    ==> LIST ... done.

    [ <=>                                 ] 208           --.--K/s

15:34:22 (213.14 KB/s) - `.listing' saved [208]

Removed `.listing'.
--15:34:22--  ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/gss/pl.po
           => `pl.po'
==> CWD not required.
==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR pl.po ... done.
Length: 34

100%[====================================>] 7,936         44.41K/s

15:34:23 (44.22 KB/s) - `pl.po' saved [7936]

--15:34:23--  ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/gss/sv.po
           => `sv.po'
==> CWD not required.
==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR sv.po ... done.
Length: 34

100%[====================================>] 7,697         43.02K/s

15:34:23 (42.88 KB/s) - `sv.po' saved [7697]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/gss/po$ wget --timestamping --retr-symlinks 
--15:34:24--  ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/gss/??.po
           => `.listing'
Resolving ftp.unex.es...
Connecting to ftp.unex.es[]:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/gss ... done.
==> PASV ... done.    ==> LIST ... done.

    [ <=>                                 ] 208           --.--K/s

15:34:25 (177.71 KB/s) - `.listing' saved [208]

Removed `.listing'.
--15:34:25--  ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/gss/pl.po
           => `pl.po'
==> CWD not required.
==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR pl.po ... done.
Length: 34

100%[====================================>] 7,936         44.33K/s

15:34:25 (44.29 KB/s) - `pl.po' saved [7936]

--15:34:25--  ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/gss/sv.po
           => `sv.po'
==> CWD not required.
==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR sv.po ... done.
Length: 34

100%[====================================>] 7,697         43.18K/s

15:34:26 (43.17 KB/s) - `sv.po' saved [7697]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/gss/po$

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