I don't really know if this is a bug or something I am doing wrong, if not a bug
then don't really bother getting too involved on this and just point me to where
I should be going.

Anyway the pages I retrieve using wget are not showing me the related pictures
for the page even though they are downloaded and the links have been altered to
point to them.

Here is the line I am using (NOTE all one line if it gets split) :
wget.exe -N -H -nd -P"D:/test" -p -E -k -v

I am running on windows 2000 SP4, viewing outputted pages with IE6 (ver
6.0.2800.1106) and retrieving the pages with wget version 1.9.1b-complete.

To be more specific (if the above wasn't descriptive enough):
Any and all graphics show up as red x or empty boxes where graphics should go
after retrieving with wget.

Additionally when I use winhttrack (similar app but not as nice for what I want
to do) the graphics show up fine.

When I open 2 different html pages (one retrieved with wget, other with
winhttrack) and right-click properties a graphic the winhttrack shows
file://<whateverpath>/<whateverfile>.  wget shows
http://<whateverpath>/<whateverfile>.  That is the only difference I can see.
If I open the source of each page and look at the same line of html code they
look 100% identical.

I don't know html all that well and the page is rather convoluted with
information so I can't tell what (if anything) winhttrack is adding to make the
pages viewable offline that wget is not.

NOTE: in earlier attempts at figuring wget out I was allowing directory
structure creation (removed -P and argument) so that I could compare winhttrack
results easier, the line I gave above prevents directory creation.

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