Hi Tony,

Thanks for your advice. I have tried the --user-agent option also. It
works now.

: )

Friday, November 28, 2003, 2:58:53 AM, you wrote:


>> I am not sure if this is a bug, but it's really out of my expectation.
>> Here is the way to reproduce the problem.
>> 1. Put the URL http://ichart.yahoo.com/b?s=CSCO into the browser and
>> then drag out the image. It should be a file with .png extension. So I
>> believe this is PNG. (is it?!?)
>> 2. wget -O csco.img "http://ichart.yahoo.com/b?s=CSCO";
>> Originally, I thought that the files obtained in either way should be
>> the same. But the fact is that they are of different sizes. From the
>> 2nd file's header, it's a gif instead. This is the bigger file.
>> Does it mean that wget has transformed the original file? Or did I
>> miss any step?

TL> The server changes its behavior based on the user agent. The following will
TL> get back an image/gif:
TL> wget http://ichart.yahoo.com/b?s=CSCO

TL> while the following will get back an image/png:
TL> wget http://ichart.yahoo.com/b?s=CSCO -U "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)"

TL> Tony

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