I'm trying to use wget-1.8.2 on linux 6.2 to download a html
file (http://www.economagic.com/em-cgi/data.exe/fedst1/fedfunds+2),
each time I do so, only part of the file is downloaded.
What's missing is a table starting from line 59 ("after
<a name="Data">. I tried several combinations, there is no indication
of error, but I found the size reported by wget flutuates between
10888 and 11128, significantly smaller than the actual size
(larger than 43128 bytes).
To replicate the problem, try
>wget http://www.economagic.com/em-cgi/data.exe/fedst1/fedfunds+2
and compare the downloaded file with the html saved from netscape.
Please send me email if any clue (I'm not on the list). Thanks in
advance. -Yu

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