[whatwg] Updated index of all HTML elements

2014-03-31 Thread Jens O. Meiert
/+JensOMeiert/posts/2w14E3V7bFc.) PS. Steve Faulkner has created http://rawgithub.com/w3c/elements-of-html/master/index.html on the basis of the other index. We’ll see what we come up with overall. -- Jens O. Meiert http://meiert.com/en/

[whatwg] HTML and spec fragmentation (WHATWG)

2013-12-05 Thread Jens O. Meiert
on the W3C side separately, honoring the different groups’ preferences.) -- Jens O. Meiert http://meiert.com/en/ ✍ New book! http://meiert.com/everyday-adventurer

Re: [whatwg] HTML differences from HTML4 document updated

2013-05-07 Thread Jens O. Meiert
people actually read the document. It is a particular nuisance for print; it is also one on mobile. With neither being high per se, I suggest the cost of problem is higher than the cost of solution, and I thus hope this is worth addressing. I don’t have anything else to add :) -- Jens O. Meiert

Re: [whatwg] HTML differences from HTML4 document updated

2013-05-06 Thread Jens O. Meiert
part of the document but it appears to take up about half of the space (or blows the document up to double its size, respectively). -- Jens O. Meiert http://meiert.com/en/

Re: [whatwg] HTML differences from HTML4 document updated

2013-05-03 Thread Jens O. Meiert
. This keeps the document length at bay while it’s still possible for people who are actually interested in all changes to go back and check for them. Cheers, Jens. -- Jens O. Meiert http://meiert.com/en/

Re: [whatwg] A plea to Hixie to adopt main

2012-11-12 Thread Jens O. Meiert
favor. That body essentially means main always seemed reasonable to me. There are plenty of options for authors to add styling hooks if they need any, including div role=main. -- Jens O. Meiert http://meiert.com/en/

Re: [whatwg] abbr inside of option

2011-04-28 Thread Jens O. Meiert
/h1” be acceptable but “titleabbrHTML/abbr/title” not be permitted—in both cases, “HTML” is an abbreviation. (No need to explain the situation around the “title” element again, I just like the example.) -- Jens O. Meiert http://meiert.com/en/

Re: [whatwg] [html5] @formaction, @formenctype, @formmethod, @formnovalidate, @formtarget

2011-02-14 Thread Jens O. Meiert
more) are we talking about, and in how many instances would problems have arisen (I understand reuse of the same attribute values not to cause any, as in “form action=fooinput action=foo/form”)? Thanks! Jens. -- Jens O. Meiert http://meiert.com/en/

[whatwg] [html5] @formaction, @formenctype, @formmethod, @formnovalidate, @formtarget

2011-02-11 Thread Jens O. Meiert
, and @target to serve the exact same purpose? Would any existing behavior of user agents stand in the way of this, or is there any other kind of incompatibility (examples appreciated)? Pending any oversight, allowing the same attribute names seems straight-forward, simple, and way easier to use. -- Jens O

Re: [whatwg] Suggestion for CSS-RESET property in CSS3 ((tag: css3, html5, css-reset, idea))

2010-10-06 Thread Jens O. Meiert
be edited (to remove what you don’t need) but CSS also offers some leeway via “inherit” [2]. [1] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/semantics.html#attr-style-scoped [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#value-def-inherit -- Jens O. Meiert http://meiert.com/en/