Re: [whatwg] Comments on dialog

2013-12-18 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:14 AM, Ian Hickson wrote: My conclusion is that it's a tough call, but the current API is probably the least bad compromise (there's a resounding endorsement, eh?). I'm not the final decider on this, though; that would be the browser vendors. I believe

Re: [whatwg] Comments on dialog

2013-12-17 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Scott González wrote: jQuery UI uses open(), close(). Yep that was part of Ian's list above. I was just adding items to it.

Re: [whatwg] Comments on dialog

2013-12-16 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Ian Hickson wrote: On Mon, 26 Aug 2013, Ojan Vafai wrote: IMO, showModalDialog is the legacy broken API we're stuck with. Better to name the new thing in a way that's self-consistent and consistent with everything else (i.e. openModal). I

Re: [whatwg] Comments on dialog

2013-11-02 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Ian Hickson wrote: On Mon, 26 Aug 2013, Matt Falkenhagen wrote: Changing the static position after layout breaks much assumptions in the code and would seem to require invasive work across the render tree, layer tree, possibly painting, etc

Re: [whatwg] Comments on dialog

2013-08-25 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Ian Hickson wrote: On Mon, 22 Apr 2013, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Ian Hickson wrote: On Mon, 22 Apr 2013, Matt Falkenhagen wrote: 3. For centering in the viewport, the spec mandates that the used

[whatwg] Page reflow when entering/exiting fullscreen

2013-07-22 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
When an element goes fullscreen, should the browser try to retain the layout of the underlying document, e.g., by creating a placeholder for the element? With the top layer, it's possible to style the fullscreened element and ::backdrop such that the underlying document is visible. In such a

Re: [whatwg] HTML: A DOM attribute that returns the language of a node

2013-07-15 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
(resending from correct address) On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Takayoshi Kochi (河内 隆仁) wrote: IIUC WebKit uses internally node's language to determine which font to use to render text, e.g for Han unification ( WebKit has to

[whatwg] Questions about ::backdrop

2013-06-28 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
I'm working on implementing the ::backdrop pseudo-element[1] for top layer elements such as modal dialog and have some questions. 1. Should ::backdrop have the same properties as a real top layer element, such as Its containing block is the initial containing block. and Ancestor elements with

[whatwg] Inert nodes and

2013-05-23 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
I have some questions about these concepts. 1. For an inert element, what happens on or element.dispatchEvent(new Event('click'))? The spec says an inert node is treated as absent for the purposes of targeting user interaction events [1]. My interpretation is that the element

[whatwg] Comments on dialog

2013-04-21 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
I've been working on implementing dialog for Blink. Here are some questions and feedback. 1. Browsers that don't support dialog will show the content by default, unlike browsers that do. Should the spec be changed to make dialogs open by default (and use a closed instead of open attribute)? Or is

[whatwg] Relative positioning in the top layer

2013-01-10 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
The Fullscreen spec says, for an element in the top layer: If its specified position property is static, it computes to absolute.[1] I think this is to make top layer elements out of flow. But then shouldn't position 'relative' also compute to 'absolute'? [1]

[whatwg] Magical alignment and moving anchor targets

2012-12-11 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
The spec seems unclear on whether a magically aligned element[1] should follow its anchor when its anchor moves, e.g., by dynamic style changes or something like CSS animations. I think we want the element to follow the anchor. If someone does something like:

[whatwg] Cycles in anchored positioning

2012-12-07 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
How are cycles with magically aligned[1] elements resolved? For example, if a and b are dialogs and you do:;; I think an anchoring cycle can also occur if an element |a| is anchored to a descendent of an element anchored to |a|. [1]

[whatwg] dialog's position property

2012-07-20 Thread Matt Falkenhagen
Hello, I'm trying to implement the positioning of dialog in WebKit and am looking at the UA style sheet for dialog [1]. Is there a reason position:absolute is used instead of fixed? According to the spec, a non-anchored dialog is vertically centered in the viewport by default. It seems this can