On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 00:57:15 +0100, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If I'm reading the spec correctly then "pattern" is used to prevent/allow form
submission, and to highlight an invalid entry.

What I am suggesting is a filter that can be matched against for each keypress
event. If keyCode matches then the character is appended to the input as
normal. If it doesn't then the character is dropped on the floor.

A user agent would be allowed to do that in response to the pattern=""

I'm afraid that is a difficult thing to implement. Partial string may not match pattern even if full would. For example:


I this case user couldn't type anything, because first character won't match requirement of having two characters.

To handle this properly UAs would need to modify their regexp engines.

regards, porneL

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