The Jack Bauer example has validation issues (using

My fix:

--- jack.html.orig      2009-11-17 11:03:03.000000000 +0100
+++ jack.html   2009-11-17 11:03:19.000000000 +0100
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
  you're interested in the CTU five-a-side football team we're trying
  to get going.</p>
- <ins datetime="2008-07-20T21:00:00+0100">
+ <ins datetime="2008-07-20T21:00:00+01:00">
   <span itemprop="rev" itemscope>
    <meta itemprop="type" content="date-time">
-   <meta itemprop="value" content="2008-07-20T21:00:00+0100">
+   <meta itemprop="value" content="2008-07-20T21:00:00+01:00">
   <p itemprop="tel" itemscope><strong>Update!</strong>
   My new <span itemprop="type">home</span> phone number is
-  <span itemprop="value">01632 960 123</span>.
+  <span itemprop="value">01632 960 123</span>.</p>

This is just a convenient format, not a patch...

Apart from this I get validation errors in this and many other examples because the meta and link elements aren't allowed in the contexts where they are used, but I suspect this is just being in need of fixing (waiting for new account email so I can report).

Philip Jägenstedt

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