 I'm not sure how much of an edge case this is, but I'm running a few
(currently 3) Wicket web-apps in an EAR under WebLogic, which means
that there's a class-loading hiearachy of:
 EAR (EJBs) at 'Level 1', with WAR1, WAR2 & WAR3 all at their own 'Level 2's.

 Level 2 classes can see Level 1 files, but not the reverse.

 As the EAR's rather large & I need to upload it over ADSL :-), I've
been trying to see if I can move some of the duplicated jars into the
EAR's APP-INF/lib, which puts them up at 'Level 1'.  I've managed to
get a few biggies there, e.g. spring, xercesImpl & log4j, but have hit
issues with Wicket itself!

 The problem seems to be that as the DefaultClassResolver() is doing
a DefaultClassResolver.class.getClassLoader(), it's only able to see
the 'Level 1' classes, so while it can load the HomePage, as soon as
it needs to try & find any other pages, it all stops, as they're down
in 'Level 2'!

 Anyway, while it looks as if I could create my own resolver & do
something like use my 'Application' class as the base, I wondered if
anyone else has come across this sort of issue or had alternative
solution suggestions?

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