
Our first part of the ExceptionErrorPage works fine. It's
straightforward and displays useful information.

I'm not happy with the PageView part though. Tbh, I don't think I ever
read anything from tree that helped me. What's worse, the size bit in
the PageView can be a serious hog sometimes. For example, a
problematic page I'm looking at now takes more than 40 seconds to
calculate the sizes of all the individual components, and the
resulting output is 400KB! If I remove PageView from the
ExceptionErrorPage, it displays immediately, and is just 20KB.

I would like to remove PageView from ExceptionErrorPage. I don't think
information such as

#       Path    Size    Type    Model Object
1       -header
2       -header:_FeedbackPanelnullHeader2
3       -header:_FeedbackPanelnullHeader2:_link_13
4       -header:_FeedbackPanelnullHeader2:_link_13:_autolink_14
5       -header:_FilterableTableViewEmbeddednullHeader2
6       -header:_FilterableTableViewEmbeddednullHeader2:_link_9
7       -header:_FilterableTableViewEmbeddednullHeader2:_link_9:_autolink_10
8       -header:_PagingNavigatornullHeader0
... etc

is useful in that page at all, and having to wait for half a minute
before you see the page is very anoying. We might consider adding e.g.
an Ajax based tree that you can use to navigate the structure, but
otoh, we would only have such a tree in there because it is fancy, not
because it actually helps debugging (for that, just use your IDE).



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