Re: [Wicket-user] AjaxPagingNavigator in Internet Explorer

2006-08-26 Thread Koji Lin
No i didnt change the example. i just put the wicket-examples-1.2.1.war into my tomcat and just runs the example http://localhost:8080/wicket-examples-1.2.1/ajax?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:wicket.examples.ajax.builtin.PageablesPage the IE will complain the error so i try to download wicket-examples

Re: [Wicket-user] AjaxPagingNavigator in Internet Explorer

2006-08-26 Thread Koji Lin
Thanks Igor, but the original example(i downloaded and never modify, i just put the war in tomcat ). the example will make the table is updated - and then only the td containing the navigator is updated(found in wicket ajax debug window). The page renders well but ajax debug windows shows the

Re: [Wicket-user] AjaxPagingNavigator in Internet Explorer

2006-08-26 Thread Koji Lin
thanks what means outerhtml? I foud in the ajax reponse looks like this ** but the same examples in my environment runs like this * * Looks the second ** makes IE choke

[Wicket-user] AjaxPagingNavigator in Internet Explorer

2006-08-26 Thread Koji Lin
Hi. Sorry, i didnt write this in the previous mail when i try the wicket examples(wicket.examples.ajax.builtin.PageablesPage) in the IE(all wicket 1.2.1) the wicket ajax debug shows "ERROR: error while processing response: [object Error].blah blah" but it works well in the firefox. and i fo

[Wicket-user] About AjaxPagingNavigator doesnt support dataview

2006-08-26 Thread Koji Lin
hello all i found the code like this in the AjaxPagingNavigator. protected void onAjaxEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target){ if ((pageable instanceof MarkupContainer) && !(pageable instanceof ListView)) } this makes dataview wont work well. or AjaxPagingNavigator wont support