I'm using the latest wicket 2 snapshot. Mabey you can reply to this thread so
I know when the bug is fixed? Thanks for all your help!
Vincent Demay wrote:
> Gohan a écrit :
>> That actually works. The thing you have to think about is to set the
>> height
>> to about the same height as the ima
Gohan a écrit :
> That actually works. The thing you have to think about is to set the height
> to about the same height as the image and it'll work great. The width can be
> set to 100%.
> I still need to know why the container parameter for method onDrop is always
> null when I drop an item to
That actually works. The thing you have to think about is to set the height
to about the same height as the image and it'll work great. The width can be
set to 100%.
I still need to know why the container parameter for method onDrop is always
null when I drop an item to a DojoDropContainer. But I
Vincent Demay a écrit :
Gohan a écrit :
I'm having some issues with the DojoDropContainer component of
wicket-contrib-dojo. As soon as I'm setting the layout in the css to be
"float: left;" for the images or whatever I like to drop, it won't work
(i.e. I can't drop any images to the DropConta
Gohan a écrit :
> I'm having some issues with the DojoDropContainer component of
> wicket-contrib-dojo. As soon as I'm setting the layout in the css to be
> "float: left;" for the images or whatever I like to drop, it won't work
> (i.e. I can't drop any images to the DropContainer). If I switch bac
I'm having some issues with the DojoDropContainer component of
wicket-contrib-dojo. As soon as I'm setting the layout in the css to be
"float: left;" for the images or whatever I like to drop, it won't work
(i.e. I can't drop any images to the DropContainer). If I switch back to
"float: top;" it w