*Dear Professor. P. Blaha,*
Thank you so much for reply.

About my third question about phonon package, as I have understood, there
are two methods to get it; we may purchase it from your center or offer it
from the other group who has this code; is it true?

If so, may you please let me know its price in your center?

Another question is about the specifications of computer system components;
as we are going to start Wien2k in our department, with also new version of
Wien that we are going to order from your center, may you please give me
some information about a suitable computer(s) for our purposes?

Remind: we may try to run the program for Nano-tubes, Nano-layers (2D
structures), dots and skutterudite structures such as CoSb3 in presence of
filler and dopant.

Thank you so much in advance.

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