Below steps on a WIEN2k install (using gfortran/cc, Ubuntu, OpenBLAS):

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
Release:    16.04
Codename:    xenial
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe"
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt update
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install tcsh
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install gfortran
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ sudo apt install autoconf
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ sudo apt install libtool
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd ~
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ wget
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ tar zxvf v0.2.20.tar.gz
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd OpenBLAS-0.2.20/
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/OpenBLAS-0.2.20$ make FC=gfortran
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd ~
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ wget
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ tar zxvf down.php\?file\=libxc%2F4.0.4%2Flibxc-4.0.4.tar.gz
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mv libxc-4.0.4/ libxc/
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd libxc/
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ autoreconf -i --force
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ ./configure FC=gfortran CC=cc --prefix=$HOME/libxc
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ make
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ make check
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ make install
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ make clean
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/libxc$ cd ~
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd WIEN2k/
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k$ ls WIEN2k_17.1.tar
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ tar xvf WIEN2k_17.1.tar
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ gunzip *.gz
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k$ ./expand_lapw
continue (y/n)
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k$ wget
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k$ patch -b siteconfig_lapw siteconfig_lapw.patch
patching file siteconfig_lapw
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapw0$ wget
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapw0$ patch -b libxc.F libxc.patch
patching file libxc.F

Note: Other patches at can be applied.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapw0$ cd ..
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k$ ./siteconfig
continue or stop (c/s) c
  Selection: LG
     Your compiler: gfortran
     Your compiler: cc
 Would you like to use LIBXC (that you have installed)? (y,N):
 Do you want to automatically search for LIBXC installations? (Y,n):
 Please specify a comma separated list of directories to search! (If no list is entered, /usr/local and /opt will be searched as default):
 Finding the required library in /home/ubuntu/libxc ...

The following was found as LIBXCROOT: /home/ubuntu/xc/lib
Is this the correct directory? (Y,n):
 Please enter the directory of your LIBXC-installation!:
Selection: R
     Real libraries=-L/home/ubuntu/OpenBLAS-0.2.20 -lopenblas -llapack -lpthread
 Current settings:
  O   Compiler options:        -ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none
  L   Linker Flags:            $(FOPT) -L../SRC_lib
  P   Preprocessor flags       '-DParallel'
  R   R_LIBS (LAPACK+BLAS):    -L/home/ubuntu/OpenBLAS-0.2.20 -lopenblas -llapack_lapw -lpthread
  X   LIBX options:            -DLIBXC -I/home/ubuntu/libxc/include
      LIBXC-LIBS:              -L/home/ubuntu/libxc/lib -lxcf03 -lxc

  S   Save and Quit

      To change an item select option.
Selection: S
  Shared Memory Architecture? (y/N):y
  Do you know/need a command to bind your jobs to specific nodes?
  (like taskset -c). Enter N / your_specific_command: N
   (y/N) N
     Selection: Q
    A   Compile all programs (suggested)

     Q   Quit

     Selection: A
Compile time errors (if any) were:

Check file   compile.msg   in the corresponding SRC_* directory for the
compilation log and more info on any compilation problem.
   Please enter the full path of the perl program: /usr/bin/perl
 Please enter the full path to your temporary directory: /tmp
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/WIEN2k$ ./userconfig_lapw


On 3/9/2018 5:45 AM, Thahirunnisa SR wrote:
Dear Sir,
     I am a beginner as far as WIEN2k and I joined Ph.D. recently. I want to install WIEN2k software using Ubuntu Linux operating system(64 bit).  Ubuntu provides gfortran.  So I tried to compile WIEN2k following the instructions are given in wien2k userguide.  During this process, a warning statement like:"opt/gotolib" is not found and gotolib may be downloaded from..........So, I downloaded, OpenBLAS -0.2.20 at TACC as per the instructions.  But I do not know, how to use this to install WIEN2k.  So, I kindly request to give your valuable guidelines for the same.  So that I can install WIEN2k and do my Ph.D.
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