Re: [Wien] New installation of W2k

2020-05-25 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
YES! So, I downloaded and compiled 19.2 three days ago, including, for the first time openblas. However, deep in my .cshrc file, it seems that I'm still pointing to an older version of WIEN2k. It seems that W2k has stopped putting $WIENROOT, etc. at the bottom of .cshrc. Now, when I run

[Wien] [SPAM?] Re: New installation of W2k

2020-05-25 Thread Gavin Abo
What WIEN2k version are you using? That looks similar to problems we had with older WIEN2k versions [1], which have been resolved with the latest version (WIEN2k 19.2), when compiled with gfortran. [1] On 5/25/2020

Re: [Wien] New installation of W2k

2020-05-25 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
Gavin: This is what I'm getting: Names of point group: -43m -43m Td Number and name of space group: 216 (F -4 3 m) -> check in GaN_3dc.outputsgroup for proper symmetry, compare with your struct file and later with GaN_3dc.outputs sgroup has also produced a new struct file based on your

[Wien] [SPAM?] Re: New installation of W2k

2020-05-25 Thread Gavin Abo
Are you getting during the "x symmetry" step of init_lapw that it "does not contain inversion"? -> continue with symmetry (old case.struct) or use/edit GaN_3db.struct_sgroup ? (c/e) c  next is symmetry >   symmetry    (14:50:47)  SPACE GROUP DOES NOT CONTAIN INVERSION 0.0u 0.0s 0:00.03

Re: [Wien] New installation of W2k

2020-05-25 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
Gavin: Thanks for your response. Fopr some reason, when I run this I don't get a message that there is no inversion. Here is the snippet. -> continue with kgen or edit the GaN_3dc.inst file and rerun lstart (c/e) c -> in GaN_3dc.in1_st select RKmax ( usually 5.0 - 9.0 ), LVNS and LOs

Re: [Wien] Ghost band error in Na2O

2020-05-25 Thread shamik chakrabarti
Dear Sir, Thank you so much for your solution. It converges smoothly. with kind regards, On Mon, 25 May 2020 at 19:08, Peter Blaha wrote: > No. > > The proper solution is to look into case.scf1 and case.scf2 > > In case.scf2 you can see that the intended EF is: > > :FER : F E R

Re: [Wien] Characters of atoms in the fold2bloch bands.

2020-05-25 Thread Oleg Rubel
Changes discussed below (proper weighted mixing of up/dn spin channels when SO coupling is enabled) are now implemented in a new version of fold2Bloch: Note: new '-so' execution option and changes in compilation. gfortran is not tested. Reports are

Re: [Wien] Ghost band error in Na2O

2020-05-25 Thread Peter Blaha
No. The proper solution is to look into case.scf1 and case.scf2 In case.scf2 you can see that the intended EF is: :FER : F E R M I - ENERGY(TETRAH.M.)= -0.2835569073 Edit case.in1 and put instead of 0.3 --> -0.2 for EF (1st line) Then do another run_lapw and it converges quickly. Am

Re: [Wien] Ghost band error in Na2O

2020-05-25 Thread Laurence Marks
Unfortunately the initial density and parameters are sometimes not very good and leads to ghost bands in the 1st iteration. If you reduce the RMTs to 2.0 (setrmt case -a O:2.0,Na:2.0 ; cp case*setrmt case.struct) and then run there will be a warning in the 1st iteration, but for me it ran OK.

Re: [Wien] New installation of W2k

2020-05-25 Thread Gavin Abo
FYI, it looks like case.in1(c) and case.in2(c) is automatically created (in WIEN2k 19.2) around the "inputfiles prepared" when "c" is answered for the following question: username@computername:~/wiendata/GaN_3db$ init_lapw ... -> continue with kgen or edit the GaN_3db.inst file and rerun

[Wien] Ghost band error in Na2O

2020-05-25 Thread shamik chakrabarti
Dear Wien2k users, I have tried to simulate total energy of Na2O after optimizing its volume. I have obtained Ghost band error at the first cycle as; 'l2main' - QTL-B.GT.15., Ghostbands, check scf files In SCF2 file the following line indicates the error; :WARN :

Re: [Wien] New installation of W2k

2020-05-25 Thread Peter Blaha
When you use init_lapw in sequential mode, it asks many questions at each step. In one of the steps you were asked to copy the generated input files and you probably did not say yes at that point. In any case, I recommend to run x nn(or setrmt case); x sgroup; x symmetry to check the

Re: [Wien] New installation of W2k

2020-05-25 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
Prof Blaha: Thanks very much for such a quick response.l I was using the command line. Specifically, Iused init_lapw starting with the .struct file I'm attaching. I didn't modify any of the files that resulted from the various sub processes. I woild be glad to send anything else you might find