Dear sir/ Madam
                                  - I am running Wien version 19.1 on
machine type  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4110 CPU @ 2.10GHz with Operating
system Linux, Fortran compiler ifort intel version19.5.281 and fftw version
                                   - The purpose of my calculation is to
get an XMCD spectrum for Fe3O4.
                                   -  I have attached my struct file, :log
file, fe3o4.in2c file. file, fe3o4.injoint file, fe3o4.inop file
and fe3o4.inso file. I used PBE XC potential with rkmax 7 and 1000 kpoints.

                                    -  After the initialization and SCF
steps, I followed the steps in manual like  i) x lapw -up
       ii) x lapw -dn
      iii) x lapwso -up
      iv) x lapw2 -fermi -so -up
       v) x lapw2 -fermi -so -dn
      vi) x lcore -up
     vii) x lcore -dn
    viii) x optics -so -up
      ix) x joint -up

                        after these steps i am getting the fe3o4.xmcd file.
But the data was not written in that. I am only getting "Error in joint" in
upjoint.error file. But i checked my all inputs. everything is correct.
Please help me with this problem. And tell me how to calculate XMCD spectra
without error.

Best regards
Suresh R

Attachment: fe3o4.struct
Description: Binary data

Attachment: %3Alog
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fe3o4.in2c
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Attachment: fe3o4.inop
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fe3o4.injoint
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fe3o4.inso
Description: Binary data

Attachment: upjoint.error
Description: Binary data

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