[Wien] Freestanding Pb slab calculation

2010-09-09 Thread Bartosz Slomski
Dear Prof Blaha, thank you very much for your advice. Now the structure looks as you said. So after creating the struct file sgroup found the right symmetry I have now another question. The bandstructure of my slab looks now as known from literature. Now I would like to run a second SCF

[Wien] Freestanding Pb slab calculation

2010-09-09 Thread Bartosz Slomski
My thunderbird released the message earlier then expected... :) I tried to set up the .inso file like: WFFIL 10 1 0 llmax,ipr,kpot -10. 1.5 emin,emax (output energy window) 0. 0. 0. direction of magnetization (lattice vectors) 2

[Wien] Freestanding Pb slab calculation

2010-09-08 Thread Bartosz Slomski
Dear Mr Marks, thank you for the fast replay. I have general questions regarding your points. ad0) I will try several configurations. The main point is that between the slabs the charge density must be zero in order to avoid interaction between the surfaces. ad2) As fas as I understand the

[Wien] Freestanding Pb slab calculation

2010-09-08 Thread Peter Blaha
The procedure is ok. But you should accept the changes of sgroup ! It will move the origin so that you have inversion symmetry. Am 08.09.2010 12:15, schrieb Bartosz Slomski: Dear Mr Blaha, indeed my structure does not represent a surface along [111]. I made a mistake using structgen/octave.

[Wien] Freestanding Pb slab calculation

2010-09-08 Thread Bartosz Slomski
After executing x sgroup with my initial Pbslab_34_34.struct I get the warning: !!! Bravais lattice has changed. sgroup found: 12 (C 2/m) [unique axis c] cell choice 2. When I accept the structure of x sgroup, then the resulting structure (Pb495_after_symmetry.struct) looks completely

[Wien] Freestanding Pb slab calculation

2010-09-07 Thread Laurence Marks
So many things 0. 6 layers of Pb and 12 of vacuum is strange. I normally use 2/3 crystal, 1/3 vacuum. 1. Don't ignore the changes Wien2k suggests -- use them 2. You will need to do a minimization of the positions before you can look at the band structure. 3. Use a centro-symmetric structure,

[Wien] Freestanding Pb slab calculation

2010-09-07 Thread Laurence Marks
Oh, and use 120 (not 60) for the angle, avoids more problems apart from being correct (60 is wrong!) On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Laurence Marks L-marks at northwestern.edu wrote: So many things 0. 6 layers of Pb and 12 of vacuum is strange. I normally use 2/3 crystal, 1/3 vacuum. 1.

[Wien] Freestanding Pb slab calculation

2010-09-07 Thread Peter Blaha
Have you looked how the generated structure looks like ? (xcrysden) It is not correct. I'm not the expert with structgen and thus cannot tell you, where the error is. In any case, an fcc-111 surface is very easy (although one cannot use directly the supercell program). Have a look into