Did you read page 10 in efg2.pdf? The EFG information is outputted in
case.scf0 and case.output2:
/The EFG is calculated in the local coordinate system, and it is printed
(in case.scf0 and//
//case.output2) in this one as well as in its PAS (principal axis
system) with respect to//
//the loc
Dear Users
Are the values of asymmetry parameter (eta) or Vxx, Vyy, Vzz printed in
some file? I found VZZ001 is printed in case.scf file like
:VZZ001: EFG INSIDE SPHERE 1 = 3.735466 UP TO R = 2.5
I am trying to understand http://www.wien2k.at/reg_user/faq/efg2.pdf
but facing som
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