----- Forwarded Message -----
*From:* morteza jamal <m_jama...@yahoo.com>
*To:* wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at <wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at>
*Sent:* Monday, September 6, 2021, 11:37:25 AM GMT+4:30
*Subject:* Some- QUESTIONS- Replies- about-IRelast-Package

Please find here some questions of IRelast-users as well as Replies.
With best,


I have run the elastic but when I give the command C_calljob_lapw after that I get the error

/root/wien2k19/src_IRelast/script-elastic/x: command not found.

I try to find the solution but still not get it.

Please provide the solution sir


Change to
Directory and in terminal environment type:

chmod +x *.*

and press Enter key.


My name is DJEZZAR Nor el Houda, a phd student in Oran 1 university of Algeria.  I used to calculate the elastic properties using your package IRelast implemented in the Wien2k code, but I am confused about how to use the package for a magnetic material using spin-orbit coupling !!. Actually, what I did is as follow:




Then I modify the job. My question is that I have tow blocs, one under the name of (RUN COMMAND) and the second (FOR SO CALCULATION) here should I comment the command in the first bloc or should I add -so and in the second bloc activate also the command ?. Will you please explain the procedure I will be so grateful to you sir and thank you in advance.


About  effect of SO coupling.

In the "case.job" file there is a program called auto_initso_lapw.

When you call Command_initso_lapw it creates .infSO file.

"case.job" program calls auto_initso_lapw when there is .infSO file and creates case.inso for SO coupling calculations using information of .infSO file.

 Moreover with in "case.job" file you must activate  (find the following commands)

#run_lapw -ec 0.0001 -so


  i.e. you must convert the above commands as

run_lapw -ec 0.0001 -so



run_lapw -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.01 -so ....




when you want to use SO coupling, you must add "-so" switch to RUN COMMAND.

you can add "-so" to first bloc under the name of (RUN COMMAND) but, it is better (for SO calculation) run calculations step by step ( it is not obligation)

i.e. in the first  step simple scf (run[sp]_lapw -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.01 ....)

and after finishing simple scf and creating case.inso file, second step

(run[sp]_lapw -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.01 -so  ....)

For the bad case which the convergence criterion is not met easily, it is better for spin-orbit coupling run scf step by step i.e:

run[sp]_lapw -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.01 ....

save_lapw ....

run[sp]_lapw -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.01 -so  ....


Dear sir,

I am a research scholar working in DFT, especially WIEN2k. I am sending this mail in need of clarification regarding elastic constants generated from the IRelast package. I have been performing elastic calculations of two cubic structures.

For the first cubic structure,

While working in IRelast, I have manually generated 7 structures (-3% to 3%) for all strain types and the program ran successfully without error. So, I made the sensitivity check to the order of fit. There were 5 different results for each order of fit (from 2nd to 6th order). I am confused about which order fit results will be reliable to study. IRelast gave the final result (elastic constants, Elastic moduli and debye temperature) from 2nd order fit in case.output_elastic file.

2nd order fit results as follows :

C11 = 274.837, C12 = 52.172, C44 = 49.552 GPa

6th order-fit results as follows:

C11 = 278.533, C12 = 52.789, C44 = 106.552 GPa

As you can see the elastic constants (C11, C12 and C44) from 6th order fit (negative cauchy pressure) were drastically different and opposite from 2nd order fit results (positive cauchy pressure) for the same structure.

I prefer your package for elastic study more than other packages but I am worried about the reliability of my results. I need to know the reason for this drastic variation of results in each order-fit and kindly suggest which order-fit results I must implement for further study. Also, Please provide the general guideline for the choice of RKmax, number of K-Points, L-max in your package.

For the second cubic structure,

I generated 5 structures (-2% to 2%) for three strain types and got the results. So, there were 4 order-fit results. As usual, IRelast generated the final result from 2nd order-fit in case.output_elastic file. Here also, I encountered an extreme variation of elastic constants in each order-fit severe than the first structure.

2nd order-fit results:

C11 = 149.740, C12 = 98.763, C44 = 51.841 GPa satisfies Born-stability criteria

4th order-fit results:

C11 = 41.131, C12 = 153.433, C44 = 112.566 GPa. But not satisfy Born-stability criteria. How is this possible?.

I also checked with the 'Charpin' method. It showed that the structure is stable. The results from your package vary a lot with 'Charpin' method. I am in a great deal of trouble to continue further my research because of these deviated results.

I am preferring your package to work with since it holds a good reputation among the researchers in WIEN2k. So, Please clarify my doubts patiently and kindly suggest some guidelines while doing elastic calculations.


As i said, Based on theory, two or three order fit results will be reliable if strain values to be small and therefore in the regime of Hooke's law elastic constants equation is as:


However to save the degrees of percision, we do not relinquish the linear term and  order of fits( fit= 3 or 4 or...) in the IRelast-package and let the IRelast-package checks them and therefore sensitivity of results to the order of fit.

Moreover see the attach files and check papers.

As i said in my papers(attach file), if the optimal structure was used as reference structure, usually, we expect to see a minimum at zero-strain for all curves of energy as a function of strain with reference to fit convergence. This guide us that after calculations and check curve of energy vs. strain, we can remove bad points of calculations.

So, for c11-c12 calculations, i prefer to select strain as -3, -1,0,1,3 and remove bad points i.e. -2 , 2.

For c44, it is Ok.

When your system is in SP mode you must run all scf of elastic constants calculation as SP mode.


Dear brother Jamal

i started to calculation elastic constant (hex) in wien2k 19 but i have this error

Start for AUTO intialization Styp1_-2.0
  3 Atoms found:  with labels C 1  Nb1  Se1
generate atomic configuration for atom 1 : C 1
generate atomic configuration for atom 2 : Nb1
generate atomic configuration for atom 3 : Se1
  next is setrmt
  next is nn
/home/baaziz/soft/wien2k/SRC_IRelast/script-elastic/x: Command not found.
  n stop error n
clmextrapol_lapw did not extrapolate new density because of missing Nb2Se2C-elast.rsp
hup: Command not found.
head: cannot open 'Nb2Se2C-elast.inm' for reading: No such file or directory
head: cannot open 'Nb2Se2C-elast.inm' for reading: No such file or directory
no Nb2Se2C-elast.clmsum(_old) file found, which is necessary for lapw0 !
grep: *scf1*: No such file or directory
grep: lapw2*.error: No such file or directory

  stop error

ERROR status in Styp1_-2.0

   i use userguide but dont solve the problem

please help me step by step to solve the problem or if you have video for hex structure

send it to me

best regards


Change to


directory   and type( in terminal )

chmod +x   *

And press ENTER key.


Move initIR_lapw program from SRC_IRelast/script-elastic  to your wien2k directory.


My name is DJEZZAR Nor el Houda, a phd student from Algeria.  Recently, i am trying to calculate elastic constants using the pakcage you devolopped (IRelast) for the WIEN2k code to check the stability of some compounds. As far as I know, when I get a parabolic variation of the energy as a function of the strain and the minimum of the energy is at 0 point, the Cij value is correct. So what if this variation is inversed (the maximum of the energy is at 0 strain) ? Should I consider my material instable or is there a solution for that please? .

Another question is considering the strain value, so why can’t we take two digits after the decimal point for example in the job if we choose 0.05% it will be 0.1%, and for some cases the minimum is close to 0 or we lose it for higher values. Is there a way to take small strains?

I will be so grateful for your answers and thank you professor for your hard work.



first question:

You must be sure all of calculations are done well and correct.

Check convergency of energy.

If there are forces on your atoms you must relax your compounds.

If you be sure your caculations are done correct, you can remove bad points from your calculations.

For example remove data of zero-point and check the curve of Energy vs strain.

About second question.

As i know you can select value such as 0.1% or 0.2% , ... but values such as 0.05% is very small value. It is equal to 0.05÷100= 0.005



My name is DJEZZAR Nor el Houda, a phd student from Algeria. Recently, i am trying to calculate elastic constants using the pakcage you devolopped (IRelast) in the WIEN2k code for a monoclinic system. This is my first time to calculate the elastic properties and your package helped me a lot. I am a little bit confused about some points and i wish you help me deal with them  please.

- According to my knowledge the minimum must be around 0 % althought in my calculations it was far from 0 % is it right or is it an indication that my lattice parameters are not well optimized or is there another reason,? What if i am using a supercell ?.

- After initialisation, we obtain tow run command files, is that mean that it uses both ?; and in the MONO.job we get the same run commands. For a modification in the commands should we modify the independent run files or a modification in the job is sufficient ?.

- If i wanna use the Hubbard correction what about the min command ? For me I deleted min_lapw -j and modified the command : runsp_c_lapw -I -fc 1.0 -i 60 , is that right please?

- Can we calculate the elastic properties using TB-mBJ correction ? Cause in my casse i am studing a strong correlated material and the semi local approximations don’t give me the right properties !!.

- Also in the case of monoclinic structure we have internal coordinates, so a minimization must be done, the question is should i uncomment the min in the second line of the file (runcommand1) ?.

These are my questions. I will be so gratefull to you and thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Dear D. Houda,

*>>According to my knowledge the minimum must be around 0 % althought in my calculations it was far from 0 % is it >>right or is it an indication that my lattice parameters are not well optimized or is there another reason,?*

usually we expect to see a minimum around 0%. this can mean you have not optimized well.

For monoclinic compounds, there are four parameters (A , B , C lattices and gamma) for varying.

You can find the best values of optimized when you vary A, B, C and gamma for monoclinic compounds ( it can be expensive calculations) not to find optimized values with Vary volume with constant ratio (A:B:C).

however we can find optimized values for monoclinic system " with Vary volume with constant ratio (A:B:C) " but, it is not exact.

*>>After initialisation, we obtain two run command files, is that mean that it uses both ?; and in the MONO.job we get >>the same run commands. For a modification in the commands should we modify the independent run files or a >>modification in the job is sufficient ?*

the first run command (with in runcommand1 file) uses for original struct file (zero-value) and when strain-matrix does not change the symmetry of our compound.

the second  run command (with in runcommand2 file) uses for other values of strain (-2%, -1%, 1% ,2%) and when strain-matrix  changes the symmetry of our compound.

Moreover you should know, sometimes our original struct file (zero-value) have not internal-coordinates ( so i use run(sp)_lapw -ec 0.001 -cc 0.01 -i ....) but, other values of strain-matrix may change our symmetry as it have internal-coordinates (so i use run(sp)_lapw -ec 0.001 -cc 0.01 -min -fc 1.0 ....).

*>> For a modification in the commands should we modify the independent run files or a modification in the job is >>sufficient ?*

modification in the job (MONO.job) by hand  is sufficient.

*>> If i wanna use the Hubbard correction what about the min command ? For me I deleted min_lapw -j and modified >> the command : runsp_c_lapw -I -fc 1.0 -i 60 , is that right please?*

if you have internal-coordinates

min_lapw -j "runsp_c_lapw -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.01 -fc 1.0 ..."

runsp_c_lapw  -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.01 -orb

*>> Can we calculate the elastic properties using TB-mBJ correction ? *

Yes. you must do by hand.

After running set_elast_lapw and making elast-constants/c11 or  elast-constants/c12 ...... subdirectories

for example for c11:

go to elast-constants/c11/case subdirectory

find  Styp1*.struct files

make a directory for example Styp1__1.0

cp  elast-constants/c11/case/Styp__1.0.struct to   Styp1__1.0 directory.

run sgroupcheck_lapw

run  initialization (init_lapw )

create files for Tb-mBj calculations

runsp_lapw ......

repeat the same method for other values (-1%,-2%,2%,...)

after all running related to -2% , -1% ,.....

cp  Styp1*.scf  files to the  elast-constants/c11/case  subdirectory and now run MONO.job

since you have all Styp1*.scf files, MONO.job  finds Energy values from scf files related to (-2%,-1%,0%,...)

you should the same method for C12, C22 ,....

with best,


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