Re: [Wien] SCF Cycle stops; if: event not found

2018-09-17 Thread Eric Kenney
Thank you! Currently I'm running on a cluster, so I need to talk with IT to change that line, but I'll try and see if it works! I'd find it interesting, Gavin Abo Wrote The error may be coming from line

Re: [Wien] SCF Cycle stops; if: event not found

2018-09-14 Thread Gavin Abo
The error may be coming from line 702 in $WIENROOT/runafm_lapw: !if (! $?cc_test) goto nextiter The symbol ! I think is for history substitution in csh [1] but someone may have intended it to be a comment symbol # [2] as the ! is comment symbol in Fortran [3]. You might see if the error

Re: [Wien] SCF Cycle stops; if: event not found

2018-09-14 Thread Eric Kenney
Sorry for the delay; Helium experiments happened and then I've been trying to debug. The Script I'm trying to run is runafm_lapw -cc 0.001 I get a if:event not found after Mixer->clmcopy runs. For example: runafm_lapw -cc 0.001 -NI struct_afm_check END LAPW0 END LAPW1 END LAPW2 END clmcopy

Re: [Wien] SCF Cycle stops; if: event not found

2018-09-06 Thread Peter Blaha
Hi, I'm not aware of such a problem. To make it more clear: Which command are you using ? runafm or runspand which switches ?? Put in the first line of the script you are using (eg. runafm) a -xf instead of -f only. This will give you a lot of output at stdout, but the interesting

[Wien] SCF Cycle stops; if: event not found

2018-09-06 Thread Eric Kenney
Good morning! I'm current on WIEN2k Version 18, and I'm having an issue with an AFM calculation. Currently, I'm trying to run a refinement on a AFM lattice using charge convergence criterion. I consistently get two cycles in before the process suddenly stops with the message: *if: event not