In the countdown to the last 30 days to QW2023
we will be publishing updates on our
event plans, program, participants,
information and inspiration
to join us.
please consider
to spread the word
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Congratulations to the new group :)
Le 10/04/2023 à 20:06, Mermoze ADODO a écrit :
Congratulations to the new user group community in Togo
Le dim. 9 avr. 2023 à 02:36, Bobby Shabangu
a écrit :
Thanks Jeffrey and welcome to UG Togo.
Best regards,
Bobby Shabangu
Hi Wikimedians,
As we approach Earth Day (April 22) next week, I wanted to remind you about
how you can contribute to the #WikiForHumanRights Campaign.
Each year we partner with the UN Human Rights and UN Environmental program,
to focus on the key issues related to the human impacts of the globa