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Valerie Wollinger
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Am Di., 4. Okt. 2022 um 15:00 Uhr schrieb Florence Devouard <>:

> Hello everyone
> I wanted to promote the episode #13 of the Wiki Loves Women Inspiring Open
> podcast.
> It features Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah, an advocate for African women's
> sexuality and sexual pleasure.
> Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah is the author of the ‘Sex Lives of African Women’ a
> book which celebrates African women’s journey towards sexual liberation.
> She is the co-founder of Adventures from the Bedrooms of African Women, an
> award-winning website, podcast and festival that publishes and creates
> content that tell stories of African women’s experiences around sex,
> sexualities and pleasure. Her short stories have been published in ‘It
> Wasn’t Exactly Love’ and ‘The Pot and Other Stories’. The Guardian, Open
> Democracy and Essence have published her articles and opinion editorials.
> She currently work for the Association for Women's Rights in Development,
> AWID, as their director of communication and tactics.
> In case you want to explore other inspirations...
> And ... by the way ... she does not only speak about sex ;)
> Listen to her here :
> Summary keywords : women, feminism, litterature, sexuality, activism
> Cheers
> Flo
> The Wiki Loves Women team launched a podcast a few weeks ago.
> We have released 10 episodes so far, with a frequency of two episodes per
> month.
> All episodes are available on the usual podcast platforms, or may be
> accessed on Wiki Loves Women website with additional notes about each
> episode.
> If you are interested to receive a brief message on your talk each time a
> new episode is published, please drop your name here :
> Anthere
> ------------------
> About Inspiring Open
> Inspiring Open is a podcast series about women from Wiki Loves Women that
> celebrates the inspirational women whose careers and personal ethics
> intersect with the Open movement. Each episode features a dynamic woman
> from Africa who has pushed the boundaries of what it means to build
> communities and succeed as a collective. As a podcast series, it is
> available at anytime, anywhere to amplify the motivational stories of each
> guest, as spoken in their own voice. Listen to their personal journeys in
> conversation with host Betty Kankam-Boadu.
> Join Inspiring Open as we raise the global visibility and profiles of
> women who are redefining and reclaiming the Open sector.
> Be inspired • Be challenged • Be bold!
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