The Wikimedia Participation Support program offers participation support to 
Wikimedia community members, i.e. volunteers contributing to Wikimedia projects 
such as Wikipedia or Commons, for non-Wikimedia events.

Participation support is reimbursement covering travel, accommodation and 
incidental expenses as necessary, in relation with participating in (as 
distinct from merely attending) an event or activity.

Presently, the program is a collaboration between the Wikimedia Foundation, 
Wikimedia Deutschland, and Wikimedia CH.

In the past, only few members of the swiss communities have benefit from this 
program, and we would like that more of them actually get support.

So, if you plan to participate in a non wikimedia event (workshop or talk in a 
conference), and spread the word about Wikimedia project, please consider the 
TPS program.




Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Office +41 (0)21 340 66 21
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

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