Hello there!

*What are the most pressing issues currently facing the Wikimedia movement
with respect to advancing gender equity? What strategies are effective for
closing the gender gap in content and contributors? What work has already
been done?Join us for a community presentation on October 9 to hear how 65
prominent leaders of gender equity projects responded to these and other
questions. We'll discuss highlights from the recently published report,
Advancing Gender Equity: Conversations with movement leaders
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Gender_equity_report_2018>, share ways
that you can support gender equity projects in your communities, and have
space for discussion. For an overview of the project, check out the recent
blog post
logistics - Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2018- Time: 1555-1700 UTC
(please join 5 minutes before the hour to allow for troubleshooting
technical issues)- Information about joining the event, along with
discussion questions, are posted here:
Hope to see you there!

Alex & Marti

Alexandra Wang
Program Officer
Community Resources
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