Hi Geni, you're very welcome to meet us at 11 at Conway Hall then. See you

All the best,

On Sat, 13 Apr 2019, 06:03 geni, <geni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 at 16:52, John Lubbock <john.lubb...@wikimedia.org.uk>
> wrote:
>> Hi all, two things to tell you about. Firstly, this weekend, a few of us
>> will be going to Conway Hall at 11am before the London meetup to look at
>> their collection of 19th century pamphlets. They will be doing an editathon
>> on May 18
>> <https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/victorian-blogging-wikipedia-edit-a-thon-tickets-59887399825>
>> to add content based on these newly digitised pamphlets so we are going to
>> assess the collection and see what can be improved on Wikipedia/Wikidata by
>> using these sources. If anybody wants to come with us to Conway Hall before
>> going to the meetup, please let me know.
> I'd be interested.
> --
> geni
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