Our Annual General Meeting is just around the corner and we'll be
holding the annual election of the board of directors. As with
previous years, we'd like to appoint two independent tellers who will
be responsible for running the election, counting votes and announcing
the results. We plan a similar approach to the election as last year,
with ballot papers sent out electronically and voting both by email
and on paper on the day itself. The main difference is the scale, as
our membership has grown from 70 to nearly 200.

The election rules are on the wiki at [1]. The main restriction is
that tellers cannot themselves be candidates for the board, must be a
member of Wikimedia UK and must be able to attend the AGM in person on
16th April. [2]

[1] http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Election_Rules
[2] http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiConference_UK_2011

If you are able to help us with this please could you email me by next
Sunday 6th March with details of any previous similar experience.

Many thanks,

Andrew Turvey
Chair, Wikimedia UK
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Wiki UK Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England
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